Bean products: advantage and harm for health

Bean products: advantage and harm for health

Haricot, peas, beans, lentil … How many tasty and rich dishes it is possible to prepare from these inexpensive and quite available products in our latitudes! It is especially pleasant that such dishes are exclusively useful if, of course, it is correct to prepare and use them.

Caloric content and advantage bean for an organism

Bean understand the whole group of plants of a class as the term bichromatic which, depending on a concrete type and a way of processing, from the culinary point of view, can be considered both as vegetables, and as grain.

In the list of the bean cultures eaten besides all known haricots, peas, lentil and, actually, beans, enter such products as chick-pea, mash, gave, a tamarind, soy. Besides, the clover, a lupine, Vika, the cock's head and many other plants used as fodder or decorative culture, the siderat and even medicinal raw materials belong to this group of plants.

Whether you know? Contrary to popular belief, peanut is not nut, but a kind of beans. And here coffee and cocoa, though are called beans, in fact have no relation to this family. The chocolate tree (cocoa) is a kind of malvovy (Malvaceae), and a coffee tree — a madder family (Rubiaceae).

In total about 18 thousand various plants entering into family bean are known, but the person cultivates only a little from them. The main thing that is appreciated in these products, is a high content of natural vegetable protein and cellulose, but the caloric content and the chemical composition of different types bean, of course, significantly differ.


Perhaps, the most popular look bean in our corner of the world are peas. Fruits of this plant can be both low-calorie, and very nutritious, depending on a grade and a way of preparation: So, the number of kilocalories in 100 g of peas is:

  • dried shredded — 348;
  • dried integral — 340;
  • fresh — 280;
  • boiled shredded — 115;
  • pea puree — 102;
  • meatless pea soup — 66;
  • preserved — 55;
  • fresh pods (sugar peas) — 45.

Important! The shelling grades of peas used for cooking of soups have higher caloric content, than brain and sugar, more suitable for freezing and preservation.

To say that peas have some unique useful and curative properties would be heavy exaggeration, however, at very low prime cost, this product is a source of a large amount of nutrients, vitamins, mineral salts and amino acids thanks to what its use promotes:

  • to saturation of an organism energy, to increase in working capacity, decrease in fatigue and strengthening of immunity;
  • to completion of deficiency in such vitamins as thiamine, Riboflavinum, ascorbic, pantothenic, nicotinic and folic acids, a pyridoxine, biotin, beta carotene, tocopherol;
  • to replenishment of stocks of an organism important amino acids — a lysine, arginine, methionine, tryptophane, cystine;
  • to prevention of deficiency of iron, selenium, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and other important minerals;
  • to mood raising;
  • to clarification of an organism from slags and minimization of harmful effects of bad ecology;
  • to destruction of free radicals (antioxidant and anti-cancerogenic functions);
  • to reduction of risk of development of oncological diseases and tuberculosis;
  • to strengthening of a cardiovascular system;
  • to removal from an organism of bad cholesterol;
  • to improvement of a metabolism, activization of digestive system;
  • to prevention of heartburn;
  • to improvement of work of kidneys;
  • normalization of a state at diabetes (the glucose and fructose which are contained in peas get directly to blood without the aid of insulin).

Consumption of peas is useful for women as this product:

  • improves a condition of skin, nails and hair;
  • slows down natural processes of aging (including at the expense of the selenium which is its part and folic acid which is often called women's vitamin);
  • helps to get rid of excess weight;
  • increases hemoglobin reserves that is especially important in the period of periods.

It will be interesting to men to learn that peas:

  • promotes a set of muscle bulk at the expense of the vegetable protein which is its part;
  • increases potency, increases quantity of spermatozoa and their activity;
  • stabilizes work of sexual and urinary systems.

Ordinary haricot

Haricot is loved by the Slavic people not less, than peas. Caloric content of this look bean also differs depending on a grade. The number of kilocalories in 100 g of haricot is:

  • red — 93;
  • white — 102;
  • siliculose — 24;
  • dried — 265;
  • boiled (white) — 123;
  • tinned (white) — 99;
  • (white) preserved in a tomato — 106.

Important! The chemical composition of white and red beans almost does not differ, but nevertheless red beans are considered as more useful at the expense of the increased maintenance of a pyridoxine (B6 vitamin) in them.

It is possible to refer to the general useful properties of haricot that it:

  • is a source of a large amount of vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, S, E), minerals (copper, zinc, potassium, sulfur, iron) and amino acids (tryptophane, a lysine, arginine, a histidine, tyrosine);
  • contains natural digestible proteins, and by their quantity the product is comparable to meat and fish that is especially valuable to vegetarians and also to the people observing a post;
  • increases immunity;
  • prevents development of oncological diseases;
  • improves oxygen exchange in cages;
  • improves a state at rheumatism, bronchitis, gout;
  • cleans an organism from slags;
  • has diuretic properties;
  • interferes with formation of a scale;
  • contributes to normalization of work of digestive system and exchange processes in an organism.

Haricot is useful to women as:

  • improves a condition of skin and hair;
  • calms nerves;
  • is an easy and dietary dish (the last, however, belongs first of all to siliculose and asparagus haricot).

Whether you know? Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the best-known admirers of haricot. He appreciated this culture its ability to give force to muscles and to improve work of a brain. The French emperor liked to use this dish with oil and vegetables. Thanks to ability to long storage, haricot is very often used in a diet of the military personnel in different armies of the world also today.

Men should use haricot for prevention of adenoma of a prostate and other diseases of an urinogenital system. It is especially relevant to diversify the diet with this product to men who crossed a 45-year boundary.


Still until recently bean in our country very few people remembered this look though in Russia lentil was quite widespread culture and were even delivered to other countries of the world. Nevertheless in recent years the product restores in accelerated tempo former popularity. Caloric content of lentil is (the number of kilocalories on 100 g of a product is given):

  • red — 314;
  • brown — 303;
  • yellow — 296;
  • green — 120;
  • dried — 284;
  • boiled red — 107;
  • boiled green — 140;
  • boiled brown — 112–116;
  • fried — 101.

Important! Lentil contains less fats, than peas and haricot, and, besides, unlike two specified types bean, is cooked very quickly. But in lentil there is less tryptophane and some other useful amino acids.

The list of useful properties of lentil impresses. It is worth including in it:

  • fast comprehensibility;
  • high nutritious properties (satisfies hunger not worse, than bread, meat and porridges);
  • beneficial influence on digestion (thanks to soluble cellulose);
  • improvement of a metabolism;
  • increase in immunity;
  • stimulation of work of cardiovascular and urinogenital systems;
  • existence of a large amount of vitamins, minerals and also Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids;
  • ability of some grades of a product to lower sugar level in blood;
  • improvement of a state at an urolithic disease, colitis and also ulcer of stomach and duodenum;
  • beneficial influence on nervous system;
  • contribution to blood formation;
  • stimulation of a metabolism.

It will be interesting to women to learn that lentil contains:

  • the maximum quantity of folic acid (one portion of lentil covers the day need for women's vitamin for 90%);
  • the isoflavones suppressing development of a breast cancer (these substances remain even in the product which underwent thermal treatment).

Consumption of lentil is very useful for representatives of a strong half of mankind whose work is connected with big physical activities and long stay on cold. This product perfectly warms and fills an organism with necessary vital energy, especially, if to train him in combination with various fragrant spices and herbs.

Whether you know? In French cuisine there is a lentil dish which is called Esau's soup. The bible legend of Isaak and Revekki's son who sold to the brother Jacob the right of seniority for a bowl of lentil soup and got for this act a nickname Edom, that is red is the basis for the idea (as lentil).


Soy is associated in our consciousness with something harmful, dangerous and genetically modified. In fact soybeans have the mass of useful properties if, of course, to use them in the natural form, but not as meat substitute as a part of sausages and semi-finished products of doubtful origin. Caloric content of this type of bean is quite high — from 147 to 290 kcal on 100 g depending on a way of preparation. Attribute to soybeans such useful properties as:

  • prevention of a heart attack, coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases;
  • lowering of the level of cholesterol in blood;
  • reduction in norm of level of sugar (are shown at diabetes of both types);
  • improvement of work of a brain (due to improvement of neural processes).

Whether you know? On some observations, the use of soybeans promotes increase in length of a menstrual cycle at women. Scientific confirmation to this circumstance does not exist, as well as to the assumption of inverse relation stated in certain sources between length of a menstrual cycle and probability of development of a breast cancer.

Soybeans are exclusively useful to the women who are especially in mature age. Regular use of this type of bean:

  • prevents development of a breast cancer;
  • slows down aging processes;
  • improves a state at a climax (minimizes quantity, frequency and duration of inflows);
  • supplies bones of the aging women with enough calcium that provides prevention of osteoporosis;
  • promotes decrease in excess weight (with tendency to obesity to women recommend to replace a half of red meat in the diet with soybeans).

To men, besides the all-strengthening properties, soybeans can help to cope with the beginning intimate problems (it is considered that this product promotes improvement of potency).


Chick-pea, or the Turkish peas, is not too popular dish on our table so far, but increasing number of hostesses begin to look narrowly at this type of bean. Caloric content of crude chick-pea — 360–380 kcal, however in the prepared look this indicator decreases exactly twice.

Important! The strengthened gas generation because of which many refuse consumption of peas and haricot provokes chick-pea in much smaller degree. However in order that the similar problem did not arise, beans are recommended to be presoaked previously in water at least for 8 hours, to prepare in combination with various spices and not to wash down with a large amount of water.

Besides remarkable tastes (chick-pea is a basis of the well-known hummus in east countries, amazing snack which managed to acquire a great number of admirers in Europe and already began to appear on counters in our country), chick-pea has numerous useful properties, namely:

  • normalizes arterial blood pressure, brings bad cholesterol out of blood, increases elasticity of vessels, prevents formation of blood clots, development of strokes and heart attacks;
  • the product stabilizes sugar level in blood, is shown at diabetes;
  • the cellulose which is contained in the Turkish peas cleans an organism, improves an intestines vermicular movement, minimizes processes of rotting in it and also development of pathogenic microflora;
  • chick-pea prevents development of oncological diseases;
  • possesses diuretic and bile-expelling actions;
  • dissolves zhyolchny stones, improves work of a liver and spleen;
  • normalizes exchange processes in an organism;
  • has the all-strengthening effect;
  • is a power source;
  • increases hemoglobin level, does not allow development of anemia;
  • improves visual acuity, well affects quality of teeth.

Useful properties of chick-pea for women are shown in the following:

  • promotes disposal of excess weight;
  • has the calming effect on nervous system;
  • gland in an organism resupplies that is especially important in the period of periods;
  • thanks to the zinc which is a part of beans improves a condition of skin and hair, does them soft, elastic and silky;
  • promotes development of breast milk (it is useful for the feeding mothers).

As well as other types bean, chick-pea it is useful for men to use for improvement of potency.


If chick-pea is called the Turkish peas, then mash — it peas are from India (other name — beans mung). Product caloric content — 347 kcal in cheese and 105 kcal in the prepared look (at the rate on 100 g). Will even more please indicators of caloric content of germinated beans: in 100 g only 30 kcal contain. Among useful properties of a banded mongoose it is necessary to mention:

  • salutary impact on a cardiovascular system (everything that above concerning chick-pea was described, fully concerns as well Mung'ou);
  • strengthening of immunity, prevention of respiratory diseases of the infectious nature;
  • improvement of memory and intellectual activity;
  • increase in visual acuity;
  • normalization of work of kidneys;
  • diuretic properties;
  • removal from an organism of products of disintegration, slags and bad cholesterol;
  • excellent comprehensibility;
  • mash, as well as other bean, is cheap and almost full-fledged substitute of meat.

Whether you know? The most fast-growing tree in the world — an albition crescent — belongs to family of bean. In day this surprising plant is capable to increase the escapes by 28 mm!

Women should pay attention on mash, thanks to special effect which this product has on an organism of women. In particular, beans mung:

  • promote decrease in excess weight;
  • improve a condition of skin;
  • remove hypostases that is especially important during pregnancy;
  • normalize a female hormonal background;
  • thanks to antioxidant properties slow down processes of aging in an organism;
  • facilitate a state in the period of a menopause.

As for men, for them it will be interesting to learn that mash:

  • is a fine power source, helps to cope with any physical activity;
  • promotes accumulation of muscle bulk;
  • increases the general endurance of an organism.

Whether it is possible to eat bean

As well as any other products, bean disclose the useful properties only if it is correct to eat them. There is a number of diseases and borderlines at which it is necessary to approach drawing up own diet with extra care. Let's consider the possibility of the use of people, bean in relation to some similar categories.

Learn how to cook tasty lentil.

At pregnancy

Future mothers surely should include in the diet bean, first of all it concerns some haricot, chick-pea and lentil. The folic acid which is contained in these products is absolutely necessary both for mother, and for the kid, besides, beans contain many other vitamins and minerals which deficiency during such responsible period can be very dangerous. The problem is only that the strengthened meteorizm which, as we know, often arises after consumption of peas and its closest fellows for the pregnant woman can cause serious inconveniences. From this point of view it is necessary to give preference to lentil and chick-pea and also to follow the rules of preparation and use of beans mentioned above.

At weight loss

Practically all bean promote reduction of excess weight, but it is better for the girls dreaming of a slender waist to give preference to germinated and green forms of these plants.

At weight loss eat small loafs, black rice, olives, a guarana and cucumbers.

At diabetes 2 types

The low glycemic index of bean does them by an irreplaceable product for patients with diabetes of the second type. The glucose which is in beans is released very slowly, and, therefore, the use of such product does not lead to sharp increase in level of sugar in blood.

At pancreatitis

And here at inflammation of a pancreas bean cultures are just contraindicated. The vegetable protein which is contained in such product is too heavy for patients with sharp pancreatitis as its processing requires a large amount of gastric juice, thus, the pancreas receives increased load.

In a stage of recovery or remission by the patient recommend to use bean (peas or siliculose haricot) in small amounts, in the wiped, pyurirovanny or well stewed view, with addition of vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream.

At gastritis

The rough cellulose which is contained practically in all bean (it causes a meteorizm), at sharp gastritis is contraindicated. On the other hand, if gastritis is followed by the lowered acidity and ill-defined secretion of gastric juice, the use of bean can normalize the broken processes.

At gout

Gout is a pathological condition of joints which development is often connected with improper feeding, in particular, with the excess use of meat products. For this reason proteinaceous food (meat, fish, broths and eggs) at such disease should be excluded.

Nevertheless vegetable proteins are not included into the list of such restrictions therefore there is no direct and unambiguous contraindication to the use bean at gout, moreover, these products are even useful to such patients as they contain the organic acids increasing the alkaline environment and bringing dangerous uric acid out of an organism.

At gout use cape gooseberry, an asparagus, a barberry and radish daikon.

Despite told above, it must be kept in mind that some doctors nevertheless recommend to exclude all types bean of a diet at gout therefore having anyway heard the similar diagnosis, the patient should consult with the doctor of rather right choice of a diet.

Harm of bean products

The excessive use of bean products can lead to the fact that instead of the expected advantage the harm will be done to an organism. In particular, among dangers which conceal in themselves these plants it is necessary to mention that they:

  • can cause excess gas generation in intestines (meteorizm);
  • in certain cases provoke development of urolithic and gallstone diseases;
  • represent considerable load of the system of digestion (beans are not recommended to be used as a garnish for meat, it is also desirable to refrain from consumption of similar food for the night);
  • contain toxic substances which decay in the course of heat treatment therefore dishes from similar products always have to be prepared;
  • increase acidity of gastric juice therefore at any problems with digestive system it is necessary to agree on possibility of their use with the attending physician;
  • contain cellulose hard to digest which is good prevention of dysbacteriosis, but is contraindicated at its existence;
  • have a number of quite certain contraindications (nephrites, colitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitises, gastritises and ulcers at the increased acidity and also problems with biliary tract).

Bean cultures are tasty and nutritious, have numerous useful properties and allow to prepare a set of the real culinary masterpieces. At the correct preparation the beans can act as almost full-fledged alternative to meat.

Nevertheless at the use of dishes from beans it is worth to remember about chuvst

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
