How to cook jam from pine cones

How to cook jam from pine cones

Useful jam with unusual taste can be cooked from young pine cones. It is capable to support an organism at cough, bronchitis, colds, flu, tuberculosis. Best of all the young people who weren't in time to stiffen cones, brought together at the end of May – the beginning of June are suitable for this purpose.

To cook jam from cones, it is necessary to select them carefully. They have to be "women's" - dense, light, with hardly outlined ribs. The small and thin cones growing at a cluster at the basis of branches are men's and for jam are unsuitable.

Before cooking of a cone touch, delete garbage. It is necessary to wash out them under flowing water. Then cones should be put in suitable ware, to fill in with water – on 1 kg of cones of 3 l of water – and to put on small fire. Cook within four hours. Welded to cool and remove for insisting in the fridge for 10-12 hours.

After this time filter soup – at you pink tremelloid weight will turn out. From it it is better to remove cones. On each liter of the received weight add 1 kg of sugar. Then boil thoroughly before solidification. Jam from pine cones in process becomes transparent and resembles honey superficially.

Pour jam in in advance prepared sterilized banks, close covers. Keep in a cool place.

At all useful properties of pine cones there are also contraindications. It isn't recommended to use them in case of an acute hepatitis, at pregnancy, diseases of kidneys.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
