Such ways of preparation of cucumbers as pickling or pickles can't keep completely gustatory qualities of vegetables, but after all it is pleasant to try strong fresh-salted cucumbers in the winter. Besides, they are fine additives in salads and great snack.
Fans of vegetables will always find a way to keep a harvest till the next season. The products which are on sale in shops will never compete with those which are grown up independently. Usually cucumbers salt or pickle. What do two of these processes from each other differ in? The pickles doesn't assume application of vinegar that allows to keep mineral substances and vitamins in bigger volume. For a pickles of cucumbers oak casks in which the washed-out cucumbers mixed up with spicy herbs are located are considered as the best container. For a pickles add currant and cherry leaves, caraway seeds, horse-radish, fennel (umbrellas), bay leaf, a marjoram, a tarragon, mint, etc. to a brine.
Pickles of cucumbers
If there is no cellar, cucumbers salt in a small container, for example, 10-liter pans or in banks of 3 liters. It is desirable to break cucumbers on the same day when you are going to prepare them. Prepare the following products on a 3-liter can: - 2 kg of cucumbers; - 6-7 garlic gloves; - 1 tablespoon of horse-radish; - fennel umbrellas; - spicy herbs - at will. Lay out the washed-up vegetables on a towel and let's them dry out. It is desirable to take the cucumbers identical by the size – it will allow them to be salted evenly. All herbs chosen by you and necessary for a pickles and also garlic and the peeled horse-radish, wash up and dry. On a bottom banks (or pans) place spices, herbs, horse-radish with garlic. From above lay out dry cucumbers. Further again spices and cucumbers, alternate layers to the very top, finish herbs. Further solution for a pickles of cucumbers is prepared. On one liter of water 30 grams of salt will be required (about 2 tablespoons without hill). Fill in cucumbers with a brine and put at first in cool, and then in a cold spot (for example, the fridge). In the traditional recipe the application of cherry and currant leaves is obligatory. From spices usually use mustard seeds, caraway seeds, a coriander, a carnation.
Fresh-salted cucumbers
Much like fresh-salted cucumbers. They prepare a little differently, than salty. At the prepared vegetables it is necessary to cut off tips. To boil, fill in salty solution a little cucumbers and to leave them for 5 hours in the warm place. Such preparations are stored in the fridge. There is one more way of preparation of fresh-salted cucumbers, however, of time it will occupy slightly more. Cucumbers are filled in with a cold brine then they have to stand 48 hours in the dark place. Herbs and spices undertake the same, as for a pickles. The brine is preparing similarly.