Before cooking the language is recommended to be wetted in cold water, then to boil with addition of salt and spices within several hours. Long preparation time is with interest compensated by refined taste of a delicacy!
1. In zhele1 boiled yazyk2 small morkovi1 marinated ogurets4 abrupt yaytsa1 a marinated pod of red sweet pertsa2 a glass bulyona20 of zhelatinasolperetsuksusyayets and carrots we boil a boiled tongue in subsalty water. We cut some egg circles, carrots — small squares. Pepper is cut by thin rings. We prepare filling on the basis of hot broth with spices and vinegar. For this purpose we pour 10 g of gelatin into 1 glass of broth and we heat on a water bath to dissolution, then we filter. We pour liquid a thin layer in round soup plates, we allow to stiffen. Having sliced language, we stack them in one row. On slices — ringlets of pepper, a veerochka from a cucumber, at the edges — circles from egg and small squares from carrots. We dissolve on a water bath the remained gelatin with broth, we cool a little and we fill in language and jewelry. Put in the fridge before full hardening. It is possible to give both in round plates, and on a tray. To take aspic, the plate with it needs to be lowered for several seconds in hot water, to close a dish or a tray, to stir up and turn. Moves with mustard, horse-radish or other hot sauces.
2. Language under wine sousom1-2 pork yazyka100 red dry винасоль, peretsmuskatny орехзелень: cilantro, петрушкаЯзык to wash, remove salivary glands, to put in hot water to boil 1.5-3 hours. Cool in cold water. Remove skin, beginning from the basis, cut flank steaks. Roast the flour with a desi, part with cold broth, pour in red dry wine, add small polished nutmeg, black allspice, salt, place flank steaks of languages on a frying pan and boil. Give, having strewed with small cut cilantro and parsley.
3. Fried языкЯзык to boil until ready, to slice 0.5-1.5 cm thick and to bread in a frothed eggs and crackers. Fry in a desi before formation of a golden crust.