How to decorate cake

How to decorate cake

The best gift is made with own hands. But at the same time it has to be beautiful and esthetically attractive. Therefore if you decided to poradovit the loved one a culinary sweet gift, you should decorate the made cake.

It is required to you

  • - icing sugar;
  • - gelatin;
  • - cream;
  • - dragee;
  • - fruit jelly;
  • - chocolate;
  • - fruit.


1. Use unique material for a molding, povzolyayushchy to create true pieces of art within kitchen, mastic. Buy it in shop or make independently. For this purpose you need one of numerous recipes. In particular, for one of options of mastic it is enough to take half a kilogram of icing sugar and to sift it in previously kindled and heated-up gelatin (10 grams). Pay attention that powders can be necessary slightly more or slightly less - you need to receive rather plastic weight which isn't crumbling and not blurring at hand. It is better to be used mastic at once after preparation or next day (it is better to store it in the fridge). It is possible to buy this material for decoration of cakes and in shop.

2. Всопользуйтесь in lighter ways to decorate cake. Buy in shop of a dragee, toffees, chocolate, confectionery powders. All this will serve as small construction material by means of which on cake you lay out various patterns. Depending on the size of cake it is possible to create the whole picture or to be limited to a name of presented. Also small cut fruit will be useful.

3. Use traditional methods of decoration of cakes - a zaglaziruyta their chocolate and make leg-base crabmeats of cream. It can be carried out by means of a special culinary bag with nozzles or means, made in house conditions: just take a plastic bag and do a hole through which you will squeeze out cream in one of its corners. If you plan to serve cake on a table at once, it is possible to be limited to simple whipped cream.

4. Address unusual methods of decoration of cakes and use inedible objects. It can be the tiny figures connected with subject of a holiday, small buttons, ribbons. Track that they were clean and didn't damage to cake.

5. Combine various ways of decoration of cakes. For example, mastic serves not only for production of figures: it it is possible to fit cake (previously having applied over it special cream), having created the whole glade for manifestation of imagination. Use at the same time fruit jelly, fruit, a dragee, cream, but at the same time you remember that in everything it is necessary to observe a measure: the excessive aspiration to embellishment can result in deplorable eclectically result.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
