The most popular cocktail with pineapple juice is Pinakolada (from the Spanish Piña colada means "the filtered pineapple"). It is traditional Caribbean drink. There are many options of its preparation, availability of any given ingredients in which depends only on ingenuity of the bartender.
It is required to you
- - white rum – 50 ml;
- - coconut liqueur – 75 ml;
- - pineapple juice – 75 ml;
- - ice – 50 g;
- - shaker;
- - pineapple segments;
- - cocktail tubule;
- - high glass.
1. You can buy pineapple juice in supermarket, or independently prepare. For the second option you need a ripe fruit of pineapple. Berry has to be soft when pressing. Carefully wash up pineapple and let's it dry up. After that accurately cut out a top with leaves who can be put in a pot subsequently and to grow up as a houseplant. If you plan to extract from pineapple juice by means of the blender, it is necessary to clean and cut it in large cubes previously. In this case juice will turn out much, but it will contain a large number of pulp. If you have a juice extractor, then it is optional to rind. The juice received this way will be more liquid, and all pulp and a peel will remain in the corresponding tank.
2. Coconut liqueur can also be made most if you aren't sure of authenticity of Malibu bought in the nearest shop. For preparation of coconut liqueur you need 250 g of coconut flakes, 600 ml of white rum or vodka, 400 ml of coconut milk, one bank of a condensed milk. Coconut flakes need to be filled in with rum and to leave in densely closed glass jar for seven days in the dark place. After that shaving should be wrung out, and to pour liquid in capacity with high walls. Here add a coconut and condensed milk. After beating for 1-2 minutes the contents are poured in a bottle and insisted week in the fridge.
3. White rum if necessary can be replaced with vodka. But in this case you will already prepare not Pinakolada, but "Chi-chi".
4. It is necessary to pour in ingredients in a shaker, there to put chipped ice and to stir up properly to connect all tastes and aromas of cocktail in a whole. If you have no shaker, the usual glass jar with densely closed cover will be able to replace it.
5. After that cocktail is poured in a high glass, decorated and given to guests. Ornament needs to be prepared in advance. For example, edges of a glass can be dipped in lemon juice, and then to lower for a second in the granulated sugar which is poured out on a flat plate. Such decor of a glass call "hoarfrost". Besides, appropriate will be to give Pinakoladu with the segment of pineapple which is put on edge of a wine glass. From above cocktail can be decorated with whipped cream.
6. To diversify your cocktail card, you can make also other drinks with pineapple juice. For example, if to add strawberry liqueur to ingredients of Pinakolada, you receive Lava Flow cocktail, and at addition of the crushed banana segments – drink under the name of Banana Colada.