If at your place there is a compote, and you don't know what with it to make, from it it is possible to make very tasty, fragrant domestic wine. Process of its preparation is rather simple, only a little ferment and sugar will be required. The main thing remember that ware for preparation of wine has to be glass or wooden, not metal. And the hands you can treat with the made wine guests and relatives at the round holiday table.
It is required to you
- - 200 g of raspberry,
- - sugar,
- - cotton wool,
- - bandage,
- - flexible tube,
- - glasswares,
- - plasticine or paraffin.
1. First of all it is necessary to make ferment separately. For this purpose you need 200 g of raspberry (it isn't necessary to wash), which needs to be pounded from 100 g of granulated sugar. Add a little water and leave to be made sour in the cool place 3-4 days. Berries don't need to be washed because on a surface of berries there is natural natural yeast.
2. Add more granulated sugar to compote and pour on previously washed up and scalded glass bottles or banks. Pour compote not up to the top, leave the place for ferment and fermentation.
3. On each 3 liters of compote with a large number of sugar add 2 tablespoons of ferment in the form of the ground raspberry with sugar. Raspberry can replace with raisin, in this case on a 3-liter jar it is necessary to add 120 g of dirty raisin.
4. It is possible to add a little honey to each bottle, it considerably will improve taste and aroma of wine.
5. Now it is necessary to prepare traffic jams for bottles of the corresponding size. Roll the ball of cotton wool suitable by the size and wrap up it in a gauze. Cork this a neck of a bottle and remove capacity to the dark place.
6. 7-10 days of berry later will rise to the surface, they need to be removed carefully. Filter and merge the remained liquid in clean bottles or banks.
7. Prepare a water lock. The dl of it needs to be made in a plastic cover a small opening and to insert a rubber tube. Cover a junction with plasticine or paraffin, lower other end of a tube in the container with water.
8. Banks with a water lock need to be removed for 1.5-2 months to the warm place, fermentation won't stop yet. It is possible to make sure of it on the termination of allocation of bubbles in the container with water. By then wine has to become transparent and the deposit is formed.
9. The made wine, accurately, by means of a flexible hose needs to be merged from a deposit. Pour on clean bottles, close traffic jams and sustain in the cool place 1-2 months.