Tasty and useful a detox cocktails will give forces to your organism, also they promote removal of toxins. Especially useful they will be after abuse fried, flour and sweet.
1. Cocktail with lemon juice and honey
The simplest cocktail for which ingredients, perhaps, will be in each house. He prepares too simply: in warm water it is necessary to squeeze out juice of one lemon (about 2 tablespoons). It is possible to take 2-3 limes instead of a lemon. Add 1 teaspoon of honey. It is possible to add on your taste: mint, cracked ginger, cinnamon. Drink in the morning for half an hour till a breakfast. Drink well influences an alimentary system and contains a lot of vitamin C.
2. Ginger drink
To grate 2-3 cm of a root of ginger (or to knife into small pieces) and to fill in with the boiling water. Insist within two hours, filter, add a pinch of ground cinnamon. At will — a teaspoon of syrup of a dogrose or a spoon of honey. Drink tones up, promotes increase in immunity and stimulates a metabolism. In combination with physical activity, promotes weight loss.
3. Drink with apple and cinnamon
The classical combination of apple and cinnamon can be used not only in apple pie. To cut a half of sour green apple thin slices, to fill in with the boiling water. Add a pinch of cinnamon and a cracked ginger. This cocktail saturates with vitamins and has the all-strengthening effect.
4. Beet
Make fresh juice from beet, apple and a celery. The ratio of vegetables can be established on the discretion. Drink on one tablespoon before food. Has mozhny antioxidant effect.
5. Cranberry калиновый
The guelder-rose is unfairly forgotten now, and it has the mass of useful properties. A guelder-rose and a cranberry потолочь a wooden masher (it is better to do it directly at the bottom of a cup or a glass). Fill in with hot water, add a honey spoon. Such cocktail can also save from the beginning cold.
6. Make fresh juice from ogruyets and a celery. Dilute with water in the ratio one to one. It is possible to replace with such cocktail one of meals during fasting days.