Nourishing and tasty food always lightens the mood, but how to make it also useful? If you love meat, try second courses from beef. Having correctly made them, you receive fantastically gentle food and you will feel, what you became a little kinder and more vigorous, in a stomach there is no more habitual weight.
Braised beef with prunes
- 1 kg of beef; - 150 g of a pitted dried prune;
- 200 ml of water; - 2 bulbs; - 1 large carrots; - 4 segments of garlic; - 3 tablespoons of tomato paste; - on 2 tablespoons of 20% sour cream and flour; - 2 bay leaves; - 5 peas of allspice; - 1/2 tsps of a dried basil;
- 1 tablespoons of spices for beef; - salt; - vegetable oil. Properly wash up meat, save from rigid veins and films and cut averages into cubes. Put them in a cauldron or a roasting pan together with bay leaf and peas of pepper, fill in with water and put on strong fire. Boil everything, close ware a cover and you weary beef of 40 minutes at the minimum temperature.
Clean bulbs and carrots and thinly cut. Warm vegetable oil and fry in it onions on moderate fire to softness. Add there crushed by a knife (but not grated) garlic and straws of orange vegetable and fry 5-7 minutes, periodically stirring slowly with a scapula. Season the cooked beef with spices, salt to taste and you extinguish 5 minutes then implicate fried vegetables there and leave for 5 minutes. Mix in a cup tomato paste with sour cream and flour so that it wasn't formed lumps. Shift the turned-out paste and the soaked prunes in a cauldron and mix. Cook a dish of 30-40 minutes under a cover.
Boiled beef with horse-radish sauce
Ingredients: - 600 g of beef sirloin; - 1-1.5 l of water; - 1 big bulb; - 1 carrots; - 50 g of a root of a celery; - 20 g of a root of ginger; - 3 bay leaves; - on 5 peas black and allspice; - on 3 branches of parsley and fennel; - salt; For sauce: - 50 g of horse-radish (root); - 125 g of 20% sour cream; - 25 g of mayonnaise; - 50 ml of water; - 1 tablespoons of a table vinegar; - 1/2 tsps of sugar; - 3/4 tsps of salt. Pour water in an average pan and boil on strong fire. Scum a skimmer, lay the beef which is previously washed out and peeled from films there throw bay leaf and bell pepper. Clean carrots, onions, a celery and ginger and cut on 2-3 parts. You cook meat on weak fire under a cover with an opening or a crack for a steam-out within an hour. Then lower the prepared vegetables there, add some salt and prepare 35-40 more minutes. Set aside a pan with beef, but don't take out it, and let's be cooled completely in broth. Make sauce, for this purpose cut off a peel from a root of horse-radish and rub it on a small grater. Water it with vinegar and water, salt also sugar and stir. Connect mayonnaise to sour cream, shake up and implicate in bulk. Mature sauce in the fridge about an hour then give with the boiled beef cut on thick chunks and chopped greens.