Today we will talk to you about sheet vegetable which came to us from Gulf States. These greens are very popular in the USA and also are food which gives incredible strength, as in the famous animated film about Popaye. We learn what represents spinach as it should be used, than it is useful or harmful to an organism and as the product is used in cosmetology.
Caloric content and chemical composition
We not so often eat spinach, respectively, we know not enough information about it therefore we will begin with discussion of what is a part of this product and as far as it is useful to us.
As spinach is sheet vegetable in which there is a lot of water, its caloric content is only 23 kcal. If to compare to other products, then 1 kg of spinach on caloric content is equal to 100 g of wheat long loaf.
Nutritional value:
- proteins — 2.9 g;
- fats — 0.3 g;
- carbohydrates — 2 g.
If to consider exclusively nutrition value, then it is possible to draw a conclusion that the product is almost useless as 100 g of spinach will be covered by the need for protein of only 1 kg of our body (according to researches, for normal activity in day we have to eat on 3 g of protein on 1 kg of body weight). Fats in greens so are not enough that they can be not considered if, of course, you do not eat several kilogram of products. Spinach is also not rich with carbohydrates that is reflected in caloric content.
Important! The product for 91.6% consists of water.
At the same time you should not forget that the usefulness of any given food is defined not by(with) the caloric content and nutritional value, and the vitamins and minerals which are a part. Spinach contains the following connections, useful to us:
- Vitamins: And, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, C, E, N, To, RR and beta carotene.
- Macro - and minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron.
Also green leaves contain food fibers, saturated and nonsaturated fatty acids. In the sum we have a low-calorie product which part practically all vitamins which the person needs are. As you can see, the nutrition value can be extremely low, however the vitamins and minerals which are a part of a product food rich with nutrients in which these elements are absent is much more useful to an organism, than.
We advise to read about useful properties of greens and vegetables: fennel, fennel, parsley, celery, corn, pumpkin.
Than spinach is useful to an organism
We pass to real advantage of greens for our organism. Let's tell about what can give spinach to men and women.
For the weaker sex this product is simply irreplaceable during pregnancy. First, spinach prevents locks as has food fibers in structure. Secondly, helps to cope with hypostases as is diuretic. Thirdly, gives to an organism of future mother all necessary vitamins, without causing at the same time obesity. During pregnancy and after the delivery the condition of hair and nails leaves much to be desired as future mother cannot use cosmetics on the basis of chemistry. And so, the elements entering about structure of greens improve structure and growth of hair and also nail plates owing to what you keep great appearance.
Important! Spinach is considered an immunomodulator because of the vitamin C which is its part.
Also it is worth remembering folic acid, vitamin which is necessary for development of the blood and immune system. This vitamin is extremely important for pregnant women as it improves a state not only your organism, but also positively influences development of a fruit.
Learn what vitamins are necessary for pregnant women, for appearance nails and hair.
This plant is useful also for the stronger sex as at the constant use improves potency and also prevents premature appearance of impotence. The vitamins and elements which are contained in spinach support the correct functioning of reproductive organs and also protect them from free radicals. Separately It is necessary to tell that men as statistics speaks, have higher chance to suffer from a stroke or a heart attack. Sheet vegetable which part lutein is, prevents education on walls of vessels of sclerous plaques which increase chance of developing of heart troubles. Also this product helps to normalize pressure, at the same time it equally is suitable both for hypertensive persons, and for hypotensive persons. This positive action is caused by the potassium which is a part.
Read also about vitamins for male health (in particular, when planning pregnancy) and also for heart and vessels.
Application in different spheres
Now we will tell about how spinach in various spheres is used. Let's talk not only about cookery, but also about cosmetology and traditional medicine.
In cookery
Spinach is sheet vegetable which seems to many people tasteless, and all for the reason that the product has no pronounced taste or aftertaste as, for example, the same sorrel at which use the sourness is well felt. Due to the lack of pronounced taste, spinach is almost universal product which can be added both to the first, and to second courses, to cook cocktails on its basis, or to add to sweets. From it the dish will not lose, and will even get in respect of usefulness for an organism.
It is important! To remove bitterish smack, leaves of spinach should be dipped for several seconds into boiled water then to drench with cold flowing water.
Now useful cocktails on the basis of spinach which recommend to use as those girls who keep to a diet, and to athletes to provide to an organism all necessary with the minimum caloric content are relevant. If you are not familiar with this vegetable, then it is better to begin acquaintance with the usual summer salads seasoned with olive or sunflower oil. Such dish will be pleasant to all as the taste of leaves is practically not felt, and here many times it is more advantage of such salad.
Of course, you should not experiment with sweets or pastries at once, adding spinach leaves to cookies or pie as you can not like taste, and the most part of vitamins will disappear under the influence of high temperatures. Begin with small definitely not to lose.
In cosmetology
Green leaves are often used in cosmetology. First, product rather cheap. Secondly, natural cosmetics are appreciated more, than those which are based only on chemistry. Thirdly, greens are vitamin-rich also minerals which give visible positive effect.
Sheet vegetable is added to composition of creams, lotions and also face packs. Similar means fight against skin aging, delete the horny parts, improve a tone and texture. The appearance of an integument improves for the reason that similar cosmetics nourish skin, but do not mask defects.
In traditional medicine
And if the fashion for useful cocktails came only recently, then in traditional medicine all parts of spinach, including seeds and a rhizome, was used still for a long time.
Medicines on the basis of sheet vegetable gave to people with the following diseases or deviations:
- immunodeficiency;
- vitamin deficiency;
- nervous breakdowns;
- hypertension;
- hemorrhoids;
- scurvy;
- rickets;
- diabetes;
- atherosclerosis;
- anemia.
Avitaminosis — the disease arising because of absence in an organism of a certain vitamin. Such diseases are the scurvy (lack of vitamin C) and rickets (vitamin D).
At the same time it is important that medicines were prepared on the basis of fresh spinach as in the course of storage sheet vegetable loses useful properties and also vitamin structure. The same rule works also concerning drugs which are stored not longer than day.
Whether you know? Global manufacturer of spinach is China in spite of the fact that popularized this vegetable in the USA.
Recipes of application
Further we will tell about various recipes on the basis of spinach which will help you to get rid of any given diseases. Recipes are based on useful properties of a sheet plant about which we spoke earlier.
At anemia
Anemia, or anemia is the disease caused by decrease in level of hemoglobin in blood. At the same time the level of erythrocytes which are engaged in transportation of oxygen in an organism also decreases. As a result oxygen starvation at the cellular level begins.
Spinach helps to cope with anemia for the reason that iron and also vitamins which help to improve a condition of the patient is its part.
To prepare medicine, we need to buy fresh leaves of spinach, small to cut them, to measure 1 tablespoon then to mix with a glass clean (better to take distilled) waters. It is necessary to insist no more than one hour. Ready infusion needs to be filtered and used on 50 ml in 10-15 minutes prior to meal.
At hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are the disease caused by expansion of gemorroidalny veins, thrombosis, or inflammation of knots around a rectum. That is, the disease develops owing to swelling and narrowing of a rectum that causes unpleasant symptoms.
To get rid of a sore, it is necessary to prepare means on the basis of spinach and almond oil. We need to get many fresh leaves to receive enough fresh juice. We take 150 ml of spinach juice and we mix from 100 g of almond oil. Carefully we mix then we use orally. It is necessary to drink small doses, on several drinks for all day.
At abscesses, burns and eczemas
In this case sheet vegetable will act as replacement of a plantain. We need to soften fresh foliage (it is possible to use the hammer for meat) then to put to the struck place. It is necessary to repeat the procedure until until the problem disappears.
Important! Leaves should be boiled previously in olive oil.
At spasms
For a start to be necessary to understand because of what spasms at the chemical level develop, irrespective of the prime cause to find out, than we can be helped by sheet vegetable.
Spasms arise because of a lack of magnesium of blood. Magnesium, in turn, blocks receipt excessive intake of calcium in cages. At a lack of magnesium the surplus of calcium causes an overstrain at the cellular level because of what skeletal muscles excessively strain. Also the surplus of calcium interferes with their relaxation.
As spinach contains a lot of magnesium, this plant can replace anticonvulsant medicines.
In the course of treatment it is necessary to eat fresh integral leaves of a plant which were boiled previously in almond oil. There are greens follow together with butter. It is important that oil was fresh and, it is desirable, house.
Masks for health and beauty of the person
Further we will talk about preparation in house conditions of cosmetics on the basis of spinach. Let's consider the simplest and available recipes which will help to replace expensive products on the basis of chemistry.
For mature dry skin. The mask will help to smooth down wrinkles and also to slightly clarify skin. We crush fresh greens then we mix it with 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tsp of almond oil. Also we add a teaspoon of the fresh not diluted lemon juice. For preparation of one mask it is enough to take 4-5 leaves of spinach.
Read also about application in cosmetology of different types of honey: lime, chestnut, buckwheat, sunflower, dyagilevy.
We put the received structure on a face for 20 minutes. After time to wash away a mask it is necessary warm water. After that cold is recommended to wash several times.
For the inflamed or angry face skin. We squeeze out a small amount of juice (1 tablespoon is required) of leaves then we mix it from 1 tablespoon of juice of cabbage and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. We add a tablespoon of fat sour cream to this mix (better to use house option). Everything is carefully mixed also by slow easy movements put on a face.
We hold a mask about 20 minutes then we wash away warm water. A moisturizing mask for dry and oily skin. We take the identical volume of leaves of spinach and mint (the products have to be freshen), small we crush and we mix. Further we measure a half-glass and we add the following:
- For dry skin — a tablespoon of milk and as much honey.
- For oily skin — a teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of pulp of a tomato, or dense tomato juice.
We put for 20 minutes then we wash away at first warm, and then cold water.
All masks should be applied to clean skin. Also it is worth remembering that it is daily enough to put one mask to feel effect.
Learn more about appeal secrets: exercises for beauty and youth of the face, recipes of masks with vitamins A and E for skin.
Preparation for the winter
Fresh and rather cheap spinach can be bought only in warm season therefore there is a question where to take spinach of normal quality in the winter, the majority of recipes reject the frozen option. There are many options of preparation of sheet vegetable about which we will tell you.
We take a fresh product, we wash out it under flowing water then we lower in the boiling water for one minute. We pull out, we dry, we cool in the fridge then we pack in packages and we poison in the freezer. If there is a lot of spinach, then it is possible to cool it in banks. As for drying, this vegetable is not dried, unfortunately, as it loses all useful properties, turning into tasteless, almost useless product which cannot be used neither in cookery, nor in medicine, nor in cosmetology therefore from this way we advise to refuse.
The easiest way to keep a product, without taking at the same time a lot of place in the freezer. We need to take fresh leaves, to wash out them and to remove everything, except sheet plates. Further vegetable is dried. At the second stage we prepare a container. We take banks of the necessary volume (better not to use three-liter as it will be very difficult to get products), we will sterilize and we put on drying.
On each 100 g of spinach it is necessary to take 10 g of salt that leaves remained, but at the same time remained edible and tasty. At first we stack greens, and later we fill up salt. If you use banks of large volume, then it is better to prosalivat each layer. We stack leaves, we ram then we spill out salt. Further a new layer, we ram again and we powder with salt.
All banks are densely closed by covers and we send to the fridge or a cellar. Such product all winter, without loss of vitamins and taste will be stored.
Contraindications and harm
Unfortunately, spinach not for all is a useful product therefore in end we will talk about contraindications to the use and also about potential harm. At once It is necessary to tell that leaves contain oxalic acid therefore the product can do much harm to people with the increased acidity and also to for what gastritis or stomach ulcer was diagnosed. At the same time It should be noted that at stones in kidneys or a bladder and also at other diseases and pathologies of these bodies it is impossible to use spinach.
It is forbidden to use sheet vegetable at diseases of a liver, duodenum and gall bladder and also at gout.
Whether you know? At the time of the Middle Ages from spinach allocated the painting pigment which was used for drawing.
Well, we dealt with that as well as in what spheres spinach is used, than it is useful and whether it is worth using it daily. Remember that sheet vegetable is low-calorie food, but at the same time it satisfies hunger. Settlement"