The term "sugar dependence" arose quite recently. It means uncontrollable hobby for sacchariferous products. This type of dependence has an effect at constant and excessive consumption of confectionery. Hobby for sweeties is fraught with serious interruptions in human health.
Use of sacchariferous products excessively
At consumption of sugar in reasonable quantities there are no problems with health. On the contrary, it is necessary for normal activity of an organism.
At unhealthy consumption of sugar gradually there is a dependence on a product which turns into obesity, overeating, problems with a cardiovascular system.
A half from all amount of sugar is in various drinks and juice. The remained share is in various food, sauces, seasonings, favourite sweeties. The immense and not controlled use of sacchariferous products will melt the cause of diabetes on the second type and considerably increases cholesterol level in blood.
Also "the sugar dependence" has an effect frequent migraines, a depression, deterioration in sight. The impossibility to refuse sweeties becomes the cause of autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis or arthritis), osteoporosis or gout. It is necessary will learn to control the thirst for sweet.
Recommendations concerning a diet
At correctly made diet to reduce consumption of sugar, it is possible in two weeks. Admissible norm of sugar for women about 6 teaspoons, and for men – 9.
Attentively track own food and correct a substance dose concerning norm. Products from supermarket are supplied with the label where the sweetener dose is specified. Inclusion in a diet of the products rich with proteins (nuts, eggs) will also positively affect health. Thus, it will turn out not only to keep weight under control, but also to enrich an organism with nutritive matters.
It is better to be limited for some time in consumption of carbonated drinks, a fruit juice and pastries.
In three weeks make easing for yourself and eat small chocolate bar.
But it doesn't mean that it is necessary to return to a former way of life again and again to consume the products rich in sugar. If the constant sleep debt is observed, then on this background there is a dependence on sweet. Provide yourself with good rest for 7-8 hours and the dependence will gradually come to naught.
To improve exchange processes in an organism it is possible to accept some time vitamin D and Omega-3 fats.
If the situation doesn't give in to your control, it is a high time to go for the help to experts: to the therapist or nutritionist.
Also the refusal of sweeties will increase effect of sports exercises.