Cod-liver oil is applied long ago. Before it used only in the liquid state. With development of pharmaceutics cod-liver oil began to be on sale in capsules. What advantage of this product for a human body?
In Soviet period was considered that cod-liver oil is medicine. To them treated many people at various diseases. At the same time cod-liver oil in the liquid state had unpleasant taste. Therefore even now it causes disgust in many people. Actually cod-liver oil is only dietary supplement to a food allowance of the person. And presently its began to release in capsules without special signs of disgusting taste. At all these changes the advantage of cod-liver oil remained invariable. It is caused by existence in its composition of rare substances which in usual food you won't meet.
Cod-liver oil contains vitamins A, E, D and also fatty polyunsaturated acids the Omega – 3 and the Omega – 6, minerals: iron, calcium, chlorine, manganese, organic acids (acetic, oil, capric) and so on.
Advantage of cod-liver oil in capsules for a human body
1. Has the anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties.
2. Cleans blood vessels, interfering with formation of blood clots.
3. Improves sight at the person.
4. Fights against development of various allergic reactions.
5. Helps to struggle with a night blindness.
6. Participates in treatment of pulmonary diseases and bronchitis.
7. Improves development of skeletal system of the person.
8. Perfectly struggles with a depression and a stress.
9. Stimulates production of hormone of joy.
10. Normalizes all nervous system of an organism.
11. Is prophylactic for such diseases as atherosclerosis and rickets.
12. Improves brain blood circulation that promotes increase in intellectual ability of the person.
13. Improves a condition of hair and nails.
14. Helps at treatment of burns, decubituses and frostbites.
15. Improves a metabolism and leads to weight reduction in a human body.
16. Normalizes work of an alimentary system.
17. Struggles with dryness of skin.
18. Protects tooth enamel from damages.
19. Has the rejuvenating effect for all organism and interferes with aging.
20. At pregnancy contributes to the correct development of a fruit.
21. Reduces risk of development of diabetes.
All these listed properties once again prove that cod-liver oil is one of the most useful products. But it is undesirable to apply it in a large number. Thanks to cod-liver oil in a human body various toxins can collect. It occurs because it is received from cod liver.