What having a snack is dangerous by

What having a snack is dangerous by

Having a snack is a part of the life of the people adhering to fractional food. These small meals are designed not to allow emergence of strong hunger between a breakfast, a lunch and a dinner. Having a snack can be both useful, and dangerous.


1. The main danger of having a snack is that people often consider such meal insignificant and don't consider it in a day diet. In that case the person can eat at first several nutlets, in half an hour – candy, in half an hour – to drink tea with cookies. At such food even dietary breakfast, a lunch and a dinner won't save you from obesity, if to count all calories, at the expense of having a snack you will increase day калораж by 2-3 times.

2. Also having a snack arranged late at night or at night is unsafe. If you don't limit yourself to a glass of kefir, such meal will become the reason of emergence of additional amount of excess fat on your waist. And as because of heavy food your stomach will work the most part of night, you will sleep badly.

3. One more danger of having a snack – harmful products which are often chosen by the person. Many people in a hurry satisfy hunger with sweeties, croutons, chips, soups and quick-cooking noodles. Such viands very much of a kaloriyna since contain a large amount of plain carbohydrates, and are unhealthy because of food supplements, flavor enhancers and salt.

4. The most dangerous fast having a snack – fast food. Hamburgers, French fries, nuggets, chicken grill, shawarma and other food from institutions of fast food contains a lot of fat and harmful additives, but few useful substances. Such food is often cooked in insanitary conditions, using low-quality products. Therefore you can not only gain excess weight, but also ache.

5. The person often increases the harm received from the wrong products chosen for having a snack what eats on the run, badly chewing big pieces. It is improbable that such meal will bring benefit to your organism, rather in several years you will have problems with digestive tract.

6. To make having a snack useful, it is necessary to follow some rules. Don't eat on the run – it has an adverse effect on work of a stomach. Allocate several minutes quietly to enjoy having a snack. Portions for this meal have to be small so a lot of time won't be required to you.

7. Have a bite only useful and quality products: yogurt, kefir, berries, bananas, apples, dried apricots, almonds, boiled chicken breast. It is possible to eat also several segments of chocolate, but only dark. Are admissible for having a snack and salads from a fresh vegetables – they will help you to hold on before the main meal and will improve work of a stomach.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
