Whether it is possible to freeze red caviar for storage in the freezer

Whether it is possible to freeze red caviar for storage in the freezer

Red caviar - the useful delicacy containing huge amount of vitamins, mineral connections. The cooled and salty caviar have very limited period of storage, and freezing can prolong it for long time.

Whether it is possible to freeze red caviar

Red caviar - unusually tasty product which is received after cutting of the fishes belonging to family of salmon. Caviar of a salmon, salmon, trout, Siberian salmon goes on sale. All types and grades differ in color, the size of berries. The fresh product which wasn't subjected to freezing has the highest gustatory qualities. In the cooled and salty caviar all vitamins remain, but the expiration date of such delicacies is limited. It is possible to increase storage life by addition of preservatives and packaging in a hermetically sealed container. It is essential to prolong an expiration date freezing helps.

It is possible to freeze red caviar, though it isn't desirable as a part of useful substances under the influence of low temperature collapses, and the consistence worsens. Some berries burst, from them liquid flows and the delicacy loses a granular structure.

Experts don't advise to freeze caviar repeatedly as it very strongly worsens gustatory qualities of a product. If the salty delicacy was made of the frozen raw materials, it is impossible to place it in the freezer repeatedly. It is better to eat it quicker. 

As it is correct to freeze caviar

That caviar after defrosting didn't become similar to porridge, it is necessary to freeze it correctly. Previously it is necessary to pack up it in plastic containers better portion that every time to get only that quantity of a product which is necessary from the camera. It is obligatory to cover with covers containers. It will protect a product from emergence of foreign smells. 

The quicker freezing speed, the berries therefore at a large number of a product and small volume of the fridge it is recommended to put containers in the camera gradually will be damaged less. It is necessary to defreeze caviar on air in the natural way, but not in warm water and not in the microwave oven. 

Standard temperature of freezing and storage is 18 °C, but at an opportunity it is better to reduce this indicator to - 20 °C. Even at observance of all conditions caviar is stored in the freezer without loss of flavoring and nutritive properties about 10 months. 

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
