There is a set of plants melliferous herbs from which different types of honey turn out: akatsiyevy, buckwheat, lime, flower, sunflower. It will not be absolutely right to tell that some certain look is the most useful, at each kind of honey the structure differs a little, so, and useful properties will differ. Today we will talk about a lime version, such fragrant, golden, extremely useful and tasty.
Features and distinctive features
White honey can be distinguished from other types by means of the main criteria: shade, taste and smell and also crystallization.
Color of quality white honey in a svezhevykachanny look varies from light yellow, almost whitish, to golden-orange. It is transparent and solar, can never be dark. The natural bee product can have a light green shade or even cream-white.
Honey of white color turns out from a marjoram, a clover, a dogrose, an acacia, a cock's head, raspberry, the tributary and others.
Color of honey is defined by many factors, for example:
- linden grades;
- features of the region of growth of a melliferous herb and collecting product;
- species of bees;
- features of climate and weather conditions;
- from a season of collecting (for example, at the beginning and at the end of summer color can differ).
Whether you know? From one lime floret the bee reproduces about 25 ml of honey (1.5 tablespoons). Under favorable weather conditions and good blossoming from one linden of the average size it is possible to receive 16 kg of honey for a season, respectively, lime planting of 1 hectare in size can bring more than 1 ton of honey.
Also it is worth understanding that the name lime does not say that flowers of this tree were the only melliferous herb. In other words, the monoflerny product (from one plant) meets seldom. Therefore honey in most cases turns out poliflerny (from the main plant and others in smaller proportions). For this reason color of lime nectar can have lighter or dark shade, depending on what plants acted as melliferous herbs together with a linden.
The aroma (began to smell)
The aroma of white honey is its present business card. The linden in itself has the expressed soft, sweetish and very pleasant aroma. It is not surprising that its flowers so attract bees! Delicacy from a linden has saturated, resistant, even slightly sharp aroma which at the same time blows as sweet and freshness. The aroma of this nectar can remind someone a mint smell.
As well as color, aroma of bee products will depend on such factors as climate and weather, a species of bees, a linden grade, existence of other plants melliferous herbs besides a lime tree.
Important! Just extorted honey will have the most saturated smell. Within three days he will lose to a half of the fragrant properties.
The one who tasted the real white honey once will hardly be able once to confuse it with something another or to forget. Extremely gentle, sweet, with small slightly bitter taste and light cream texture — such taste forever remains in memory. Advantage of white honey is its ease: despite high content of glucose and fructose, it very sweet, but not luscious.
Admirers of nectar from a linden note that it always leaves pleasant aftertaste: saturated, sweet and a little tart.
In the course of crystallization the lime product gains coarse-grained texture and brightens, up to a white shade. If the container with nectar is stored at the room temperature, process of crystallization takes from 1 to 3 months.
Whether you know? The only successor of a sort at bees is the queen uterus for whom ordinary bees toilers in every possible way care and cherish. Unlike ordinary bees who live up to 3 months the life expectancy of a uterus reaches 8 years, however after the first two years the quality of the reproduced posterity strongly falls. Therefore experienced beekeepers try to replace a uterus every year, but if the owner of an apiary passed this moment, bees from a beehive can organize peculiar revolution and replace a uterus independently.
What the bee product is rich with
Sweet, fragrant, solar color the product has unique rich structure. Despite high caloric content, in many diets honey is recommended to use instead of the refined sugar, and all because as a part of bee delicacy there is a set of amino acids which stimulate combustion of fat, reduce appetite, load with energy. For this reason honey is extremely nutritious, but does not promote a set of excess centimeters on a waist.
Caloric content
This delicacy contains many sugars in various look therefore is a high-calorific product. So, 100 grams of this product contain about 323 kcal that makes about 15-20% of a daily kalorazh of the average person.
Capacity |
Grams |
Kcal |
1 tsps. |
12 |
39 |
1 tablespoons. |
36 |
115 |
1 glass (250 ml) |
360 |
1160 |
Nutrition value
As a part of a product also a large amount of carbohydrates — 82 g there are not enough proteins (0.4-0.8 g on 100 g of a product). The bee product does not contain fats, mono - and polyunsaturated fatty acids and also fatty acids. Water content in 100 grams of a product equals 17-18%. In a small amount organic acids (1.2 g) and ashes (0.3 g) are a part of a bee product.
Learn how the linden is used in the medical purposes.
Vitamins and minerals
The sweet from lime color is a product, unique on structure, which contains from 300 to 400 various nutrients which are vital to a human body.
Vitamins |
Ascorbic acid (C) |
2 mg |
Nicotinic acid (RR) |
0.4 mg |
Pyridoxine (B6) |
0.1 mg |
Riboflavinum (B2) |
0.03 mg |
Thiamine (B1) |
0.01 mg |
Folic acid (B9) |
15 mkg |
Pantothenic acid (B5) |
0.13 mkg |
Macrocells |
Potassium (K) |
36 mg |
Cl |
19 mg |
Ph |
18 mg |
Ca |
14 mg |
Na |
10 mg |
Mg |
3 mg |
Sulfur (S) |
1 mg |
Minerals |
Fe |
0.8 mg |
Zn |
0.09 mg |
Mn |
0.03 mg |
Fluorine (F) |
100 mkg |
Cu |
60 mkg |
Iodine (I) |
2 mkg |
Co |
0.3 mkg |
Other elements |
Sahara |
75 g |
Starch |
5.5 g |
Than white honey is useful
Looking at such impressive composition of useful nutrients, it is simple to assume that honey from color of a linden is the most valuable product in a diet both adults, and children at which use it is possible to help an organism to cope with various painful states. The product can also be applied and outwardly in the form of compresses and lotions, it has strong antibacterial properties therefore perfectly copes with infections of the bacterial nature.
We conditionally divided effects which are rendered by a sweet bee product on female, men's and children's organisms.
For men
There is an opinion that men should show moderation in consumption of honey from a linden because the tree is considered primordially women's and enriches a product with the substances capable to do much harm to a male body. However this information does not find confirmation among experts. On the contrary, honey can be very useful to men:
- at sexual dysfunction (prostatitis);
- for bleaching of tooth enamel as a result of smoking;
- for strengthening of heart;
- for normalization of breath, an expectoration and an otkhozhdeniye of a morning phlegm at smokers;
- for reduction of uneasiness, a stress, excitability.
For maintenance of male health (especially when planning pregnancy) and also for health of heart and vessels it not to be necessary to forget about vitamins.
For women
Women can apply honey not only inside, but also outwardly, this sweet product is wonderful cosmetic:
- promotes rejuvenation of face skin and neck;
- strengthens hair;
- normalizes exchange processes, promotes weight loss (if to replace with bee delicacy sugar and harmful sweets);
- normalizes activity of gonads and a reproductive system;
- promotes healing of skin defeats, purulent wounds and eels, burns;
- raises hemoglobin and helps to struggle with anemia (including during incubation of the kid).
Read also about vitamins for female health (in particular, for pregnant women) and beauty: strengthenings of hair (vitamin A, vitamin E), nails, skin rejuvenation (vitamin E, vitamin A); and also vitamins for strengthening of immunity and work of a brain.
For children
Kids with special pleasure consume this sweet product. What benefit this delicacy can bring to a small organism:
- strengthening of the immune system during the autumn and spring period;
- application at diseases of the upper airways;
- the help in treatment at mouth diseases (for example, stomatitis);
- improves sight, an eye removes stress;
- improves perception of new information.
Important! Honey contains a large amount of substances and therefore is biologically active product which in a small and weak organism can provoke strong allergic reaction. Therefore to two-year age this product cannot be given to children categorically! Acquaintance to delicacy can be begun after 3 years, and in the absence of undesirable reaction fully to enter into a diet after 6-year age.
How to check honey for naturalness
Unfortunately, many producers of bee nectar and beekeepers for the purpose of obtaining bigger mass of a ready-made product, so, also arrived, mix with it sugar, sucrose, treacle, starch. Some stir various ingredients that something as a result turned out, reminding honey at all. How to check a sweet product for naturalness?
When you face a counter in supermarket, in shop of products of beekeeping or in the market, it is important to know, how by means of a visual method to distinguish a natural product from a fake. When it is possible to suspect a low-quality product:
- Poorly expressed or absent smell, strong smell of sugar.
- Liquid, ideal consistence not during a pumping out season, that is late fall-winter.
- Existence of a deposit, muddy impurity in liquid honey.
- Too dark color of a lime product.
By means of additional resources
In house conditions there are much more ways which will help to calculate foreign substances in a product:
- By means of iodine. Honey needs to be diluted with the distilled water and to add 2-3 drops of iodine. Emergence of a blue shade speaks about impurity of flour and starch. The nasyshchenny color, the is more than foreign substance.
- By means of vinegar. Bee nectar needs to be dissolved with water and to add a little vinegar. If at the same time there is a hissing, to a bee product added chalk.
- By means of toilet paper. Apply a small amount of amber delicacy on paper and examine it on the other hand. If the product was well absorbed, left a damp mark, added sugar syrup to it.
- By means of water. Dissolve 1 tsps of honey in a cup, in an hour check structure for existence of a deposit. If flakes, before you a fake were formed.
- By means of liquid ammonia. Honey and water are connected in a proportion 1:2, add couple of drops of liquid ammonia. At change of color of structure on brown it is possible to speak about impurity of starch syrup.
Whether you know? Since ancient times the people esteemed and very much appreciated a sweet bee product — so that paid them taxes. In the ancient time it was called nectar of gods, in the Bible for it there was other name — heavenly food. The mankind began to use honey about 40 thousand years ago and associated it with fertility, health, beauty and force.
Rules of the use
Despite amazing taste, nutritiousness and big advantage, it is impossible to use honey in unlimited number. Moreover, it is necessary to adhere to a number of recommendations to derive benefit from bee delicacy and not to do much harm to itself.
Councils for the use of a sweet product:
- For the adult the day norm consists of 1-2 tablespoons of delicacy.
- Do not heat a product above 40-50 °C as it loses a half of useful properties. It means that addition of honey in hot tea is a gross blunder.
- It is better to eat honey separately from main courses. To optimum eat a product spoon for half an hour to food or an hour later.
- For children of 6-7 years day Nome consists of 1-2 teaspoons. It is necessary to enter a product into the kids menu gradually, since small doses.
- When replacing sugar by a product of beekeeping it is necessary to take 1/2 from the specified amount of sugar as the bee product is twice more sweet.
- You should not swallow a product instantly, on the contrary, it is necessary to take it a little in a mouth, to rassosat, enjoy taste. Within 5-15 seconds in a mouth special enzymes which will promote the best digestion and assimilation of a product will be produced.
But on it recommendations do not come to an end as before the use it is important to exclude all contraindications which we will consider further.
Read also about advantage and methods of application of bee products: propolis, honey with propolis, a zabrusa, a bee subpestilence.
How to store in house conditions
The uniqueness of this product consists in its almost termless storage. It is known that at excavation of the Egyptian tombs found honey which later was completely suitable centuries for the use in them. Also honey was often used for embalming of the died people as the product of bees is the excellent preservative suppressing growth of bacteria and besides contains low interest of moisture.
Honey can be stored for years, but for this purpose it is necessary to follow some rules.
- What to store in: glass, glazed ceramics, wooden kegs, tanks from stainless steel, aluminum, aluminum foil, tin tanks.
- Purity of capacity has to be faultless. The vessel needs to be washed up and dried carefully. If honey was stored in it earlier, it needs to be taken, without allowing contact of an old and fresh product.
- Lack of foreign smells. This rule concerns both the capacity, and the room in which there will be a vessel with honey. For this reason the capacity has to be closed reliably by a cover, it is better if the neck of a vessel is with rubber laying.
- The humidity of the room has to be minimum as the product can begin to ferment and deteriorate.
- It is necessary to avoid storage on light and the more so under direct sunshine. It is ideal if the place is dark and cool.
- If honey is stored in cells, they need to be wrapped up in food wrap and to put in the dry, cold and dark place. The product is much longer and better stored in cells, without losing the curative properties.
Within the first year of storage, honey is the most useful and rich with nutrients, further it loses up to 50% of the properties.
Important! It is strictly forbidden to store honey in oak and coniferous barrels, in a zinc, lead and copper container as because of chemical reaction the product will become poisonous. It is undesirable to use for storage iron tanks and utensils from synthetic materials. Honey has to be stored far from any products and substances with the expressed smell (not very well, food or chemical).
Application in traditional medicine: recipes
Not without reason the second name of this product — sweet doctor. It is a natural alternative to chemical drugs which cause side effects and negatively influence a liver and kidneys. Sweet amber can be accepted at dozens of various illnesses, but this delicacy the lifesaver becomes most frequent at catarrhal diseases and problems with digestive system.
Learn how to avoid cold and to struggle with seasonal colds and also get acquainted with councils for treatment of cold.
At cold and cough
The most effective recipes with amber nectar which will help to eliminate cough and cold:
- To connect juice of black radish and honey in a proportion 2:1. It is necessary to accept a medicine three times a day on 2 tablespoons before food.
- To mix carrot juice and honey in equal proportions. It is necessary to accept means 2-3 times a day on 2 tablespoons.
- To mix ingredients: camomile flowers, coltsfoot, a dogrose, a plantain, linden flowers in a proportion 1:2:2:4:5. To fill in with a glass of boiled water 4 tsps of mix of herbs, to cool and add honey. Means to divide into three receptions and to drink to food during the day.
- To dissolve 1 part of honey in 10 parts of water, to add liquid vitamins (And,