"Passionflower: from what helps also that treats how to use in traditional medicine

"Passionflower: from what helps also that treats how to use in traditional medicine

Passionflower, or as still call this marvelous plant, a passionflower — not a just beautiful flower which will decorate any house, but also remedy from many diseases. It is capable to calm in stressful situations and will help to fall asleep when long it is impossible. What does it such useful, we will understand further.

As looks and where grows in a wild look

This lianovidny plant, it behaves violently in flowers all the year round. To us it was delivered from Brazil. The flower received the name more than 200 years ago — the passionflower unites about 500 types and 20 childbirth. Each of them is unique the appearance.

The thermophilic flower expands a liana, it has big fleshy leaves up to 10 cm long, and stalks in process of growth harden, becoming similar to tree branches. It is used as an ampelous plant: it is suspended in a pot, and from it branches with flowers fall down.

Whether you know? The most ancient herb — a ginseng, it is appointed at different illnesses already more than 3 thousand years.

Special attention should be paid to inflorescences: at each look they are peculiar. The name "passionflower" (literal translation of the Latin word "passiflora") received a plant thanks to missionaries of South America who considered that in a form its flowers remind stigmata — signs, ulcers which arise at believers on places where there were wounds of the crucified Christ. For a characteristic form this flower is called still "a kavalersky star".

All species of flowers can have the sizes of 10-12 cm a diameter, they a star-shaped form, petals are located in several layers — they can be different in color, and can be and monophonic. Such colors — violet, red, white, green, pink are characteristic. Inside the large stamens surrounded with bakhromopodobny outgrowths are noticeable.

In South America these plants pollinate a humming-bird and where they are absent, fertilization of flowers manually is carried out to receive fruits.

Berries contain black seeds, fruits sourish on taste. Twice a year the plant yields a harvest.

Whether you know? The most ancient data about uses of plants in traditional medicine have age of 6 thousand years.

Chemical composition

Extract of a passionflower has medicinal properties that is caused by the chemical composition of a plant. There is a chlorophyll, protein, pectin, vitamins (most of all as a part of vitamin C), carotinoids, free acids, mineral salts and cellulose. Also there are flavonoids — quinones, coumarins, saponins, alkaloids, a cyanogene glycoside. It is a lot of in a plant and minerals among which there is an iron, calcium, magnesium and not only.

Medicinal properties

Most often medicine on the basis of a passionflower is used as sedative. Positive impact on central nervous system of the person helps to calm nerves, to get rid of insomnia and a headache and also to cope with other pathologies and climacteric frustration.

Will get rid of insomnia and a headache to you will help: melissa, chicory, pumpkin, ivan-tea, mint, hawthorn, pomegranate, celery, bearberry.

It is interesting that this plant is also used at treatment of chronic alcoholism. Intake of medicine helps to reduce inclination to alcohol, increases working capacity, improves mood and a dream.

In general infusions have antiseptic, antifungal and also spazmolitichesky properties.

Extract of a plant is on sale in drugstore, also it meets in the form of capsules. However the plant collected with own hand can be more effective.

Also, application of a plant at violation of work of a cardiovascular system and attacks of asthma is possible.

Recipes of application in traditional medicine

On each disorder of human health — the method of application of a passionflower grass. However before the use it needs to be collected and prepared correctly.

Important! It is necessary to break a plant only in a phase of active blossoming which will soon develop into a plodotvoreniye phase.

Throughout summer carry out several collecting a grass:

  • escapes up to 60 cm long — it stimulates development of side branches;
  • during formation of buds — collect the most developed;
  • during active blossoming break all top part, at the same time there are only rhizomes for the winter.

The grass needs to be dried up — for this purpose it is possible to place it in the oven or an oven with a temperature of 50-60 °C. Or just to leave in the warm room to dry for several weeks. For this purpose it is possible to connect branches in bunches and to hang out on linen ropes. Inflorescences are displayed on paper or fabric. It is possible to store several years.

When raw materials are prepared — we begin to use in the medical purposes.


Preparation of hot drink requires 1 h a spoon of inflorescences which need to be filled in with 300 ml of boiled water. We cover the vessel and we insist 10 minutes. Infusion is advised to use one couple of hours prior to a dream. He helps to calm down, relax and to fall asleep easily.

It will be interesting to you to learn, about properties of ginger, white, chabretsovy tea, milk oolong tea, a sencha, rooibos, a dogrose, a cowberry leaf, a meadowsweet, a linden, solyanka holmovy.

Spirit tincture

It is the best of all to use tinctures as a part of which there is an alcohol for processing of wounds and cuts and also after stings of insects — they will help to calm skin, and also will disinfect a sore point. On 100 ml of vodka 2 tablespoons of a dry plant are required. To insist several weeks in the dark, cool room. If we accept inside, then a dosage of 20-40 drops on a half-glass of water.

It is possible to prepare also infusions without alcohol addition. They are used for disposal from alko-also by drug addictions. We prepare thus: we fill in leaves with hot boiled water so that completely to cover them. Infusion has to cool down and stand at least day; then it needs to be decanted through a gauze that there was no grass impurity. Then it is possible to accept on a teaspoon three times a day.

Medical collecting

The most widespread and useful grass collecting — from a melissa, mint and a passionflower. To prepare so: on a tablespoon of the dried-up and crushed grass a glass of boiled water. To insist, will not cool down yet. To accept on a third of a glass in day.

Important! It is impossible to accept officinal herbs at elevated pressure together with tablets.

It will help with a pressure, gastrointestinal frustration, problems with a dream, will serve as an anti-inflammatory lotion for frivolous wounds. Also hop, a St. John's wort or a hawthorn perfectly will be suitable for a mix with a passionflower.

Contraindications and harm

As well as any medical plant, it has the contraindications to application. Duration of the use should not exceed 2 months. Side effects are possible:

  • dizziness;
  • the obscured thinking;
  • drowsiness (whole day, and not just before going to bed);
  • nausea, vomiting.

Pay attention that at a digestive tract disease also use parsley, corn snouts, a bergenia, a St. John's wort, an immortelle sandy

It is impossible to accept:

  • during pregnancy and feeding;
  • with other drugs (antioxidants and antidepressants);
  • before surgeries;
  • to people with tendency to thrombosis.

The plant can do harm only in case of overdose or non-compliance with councils for reception.

So, you were convinced that the passionflower can become an irreplaceable grass in a first-aid kit of each person. However it is worth remembering that self-treatment even of frivolous diseases can badly end. Consult with the doctor better and be convinced that you not in a risk zone.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
