We get rid of black dots

We get rid of black dots

you want to get rid of importunate black dots? There is an effective way broken into three stages which will help to make your skin ideal.

The first stage. Removal of black dots.

Irrespective of whether you will delete them in salon or at home, try to act accurately. In salon the cosmetologist by means of steam will open a time and will perform special massage which will remove the fat which collected in a time. When skin is brought to the necessary state, removal of black dots will not leave marks of damages on skin. To calm skin is protsedurypomozht later by the special cooling mask. [/] [br/] If you decided to remove with br black dots with own hand, do it after a warm or hot shower, the code temperature of skin will increase. Then smear skin with samymgusty cream, cover it with a film and a damp towel. In five minutes it is possible to begin the procedure. Slowly bare the steamed-out skin and delete black dots. Not to leave sledovstarightes to change the direction of pressure. After the procedure put the cooling calming mask on a face.

[br/] [br/] the Second stage. Clarification of a time. [br/] [br/] For preservation of the cleaned pores should use cosmetics with alphahydroxyacids (ANA) and beta hydroxyacids (VNA). It has to be soft and SD Alcohol 40 alcohol or the denatured ethyl alcohol should not be its part. Consider that cosmetics with hydroxyacids is not recommended to be applied within 24 hours after removal of black dots.

[br/] [br/] the Third stage. Do not allow skin fat to be oxidized. [/] [br/] Black dots mnut br again to arise in a time after oxidation of the fat which is there. For reduction of quantity black tocheknuzhno to use cosmetics which interferes with oxidation. Choosing cream with the antioxidants preventing oxidation, choose means with vitamin C and vitamin E. [br/] [br/] Should remembering that black dots medlennovozobnovlyatsya. Therefore do not forget time to do a mask in a month and to delete points manually.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
