6 reasons to replace flowers

6 reasons to replace flowers

Plants – live ecosystem. They grow, blossom, are multiplied, are ill, die. Being in the same conditions, flowers quickly become shallow and cease to develop. Change updates plants, improves quality of their life. At due leaving they live decades.

The reasons to disturb plant in pot, there is not a lot of. 

There has come the spring 

Point as the beginning of the fine story sounds, but it is the basic and frequent reason of change of plants. In the spring of 60% of house flowers replace. These are young plants up to 5 years. Or fast-growing and chastoobnovlyaemy types, for example, tradescantia, passionflower or kalanchoe.

But not all plants are replaced in the spring. It is necessary to know that there are flowers which blossom in the winter. For example, poinsettia or zygocactus. They are replaced in May. Coniferous plants are replaced after summer when they gather to themselves green material. Such as chlorophytum or the same tradescantia, do not depend on season. But there will not be enough sunlight for development in the winter.

How to learn whether it is time to replace? Look at pot bottom – small roots in openings are visible? Means, it is time. If there are no backs, then it is possible accurately to try to extend plant from pot – the lump is completely braided by roots? Change time has come.

New inhabitant

As soon as the plant has arrived home from shop, it has to get to quarantine. It is the period when the flower costs separately from other flowers. In two weeks it needs to be replaced in the fresh soil suitable this look. Universal flower soil is suitable for the majority of deciduous and blossoming. But, if plants, for example, orchid or cactus, lemon or dragon tree have taken special form, then choose special soil. In them the structure of the soil is adjusted.

Leaves of plant turn yellow or have hung – suspicion on the fact that roots decay.

The reason can be in modulation. The excess of moisture in soil harms roots: they I cannot absorb all saved-up water, and begin to decay. In this case it is necessary to replace urgently! Dig out plant, clean roots from soil and examine them. Delete bad dark roots to healthy matter. Dry couple of hours plant, do not put at once. And further you monitor watering.

Badly smells from flowerpot

Perhaps, the reason in infection of soil or rotting of roots. Follow the above point.

Wreckers in the earth

In this case the complex of procedures is necessary. Plant it is necessary to dig out and wash out roots under flowing water, having completely saved from soil. To process it means from wreckers and to place in package at several o'clock. To throw out soil on the street at once. To wash out pot soap means and to process. Again to plant plant in fresh soil. It is ideal if soil is previously disinfected in oven.

Take yourself for the rule to disinfect any purchased soil. Just heat it in oven within hour on 100 degrees. It will secure plants against unforeseen residents.

Have broken pot

It happens, in particular, if houses live cats, dogs or children. Stop suffering, and follow the first point. Remove all broken branches, they to flower already to anything. If it is possible to implant, put in water with coal.

It is necessary to replace plants constantly because the root system increases, there is almost no soil left in pot. Soil in year loses useful properties, giving them to plant. Because of the condensed soil air which to roots is also important ceases to get to pot. You love the plants, and they will reciprocate to you.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
