Zamiokulkas, or dollar tree Russians began to grow up as ornamental plant rather recently. Perhaps, the Taoist doctrine "hair dryer-shuy" proceeding from which, this plant is one of the most important symbols of wellbeing became push to rise of popularity of dollar tree.
Many confuse zamiokulkas with so-called monetary tree, and it is quite probable that other name of this plant just and has appeared as a result of such confusion. Also there is opinion that zamiokulkas has really magic impact on prosperity level in the house and that everyone who will get it shortly for certain will become the person of high prosperity.
So, how it is necessary to look after the plant symbolizing crunch of treasured green notes in pocket correctly?
Dollar tree – one of those houseplants which demand only the most minimum leaving. The main condition for comfortable growth of this representative of tropical flora, ensuring temperature corresponding to his requirements is. Proceeding from the fact that in the conditions of the wild nature this plant grows in southern latitudes and temperature in the apartment has to be not less, than +16-18os.
It is desirable to place young dollar tree in well lit places of the apartment. The most optimal variant – windowsill at window. If to put with young dollar tree in the place where access of light is limited, it can grow weak and painful. Zamiokulkas perfectly feels at any air humidity and if in the apartment it is too ooh dry, then its leaves can need periodic wiping by wet napkin. In the spring, and it is necessary to water plant in the fall moderately as the excess of moisture can lead to rotting of its root system. In the winter zamiokulkas it is necessary to water very seldom, between waterings it is desirable to wait until half of the soil in pot dries. It is necessary to feed up dollar tree only in the spring and – during intensive growth, in the winter the plant does not need this procedure. As the fertilizers which are specially developed for dollar tree will hardly manage to be found in sale, it is quite possible to use fertilizing for cacti or aloe.
It is necessary to replace dollar tree at least once a year. It is important that the composition of the ground in which the plant grows contained the peat, sheet or cespitose earth. It is also necessary to add sand and wood charcoal to soil. For fast growth of zamiokulkas it is not recommended to use too wide pots as at surplus of free space, all vital energy will be aimed at the development of its roots, than stalks and leaves rather.