On sale the huge range of kitchen knives from different producers of all countries of the world is provided. One general knife suitable for all types of tasks in kitchen, have not invented yet. Many knives after all are not present need to buy. It is better to buy 4 types of kitchen knives which will cope with any works. At once it should be noted that cheap knives are not good and qualitative. Buying knives, it is necessary to examine and check carefully them quality of metal of which they are made.
1. Buy big knife – 45 centimeters, average – 40 centimeters and small – 27 centimeters and also knife saw for cutting of bread. It is possible to do without all other types of knives remarkably. There is no need to buy set of knives consisting of 20-30 objects.
2. The knife consists of the handle and edge. It is better to choose the handle from tree. Plastic handles very quickly break, and metal too make heavier knife that leads to difficulty of performance of kitchen works.
3. Buying, take knife in hand. To you it has to be convenient and comfortable. If the knife handle badly fits into your hand, then it is necessary to choose thinner or wide handle.
4. The first on what it is necessary to pay attention - to careful bringing of parts of knife. Everyone the reliable and respecting itself firm makes bringing of the handle and edge very carefully. There should be no chips, cracks and jags. The knife has to look beautifully and esthetically.
5. Pay attention to quality and sharpness of sharpening of knife. Initially blunt knife without special purpose tools and skills cannot be ground.
6. Check rigidity of steel. Than she is tougher, that longer the knife will remain sharp. On steel of knife there have to be prints of manufacturing firm. Each firm which is sure of quality of the goods surely applies the logo on knife steel.
7. For cleaning of potatoes and vegetables choose short knife with narrow edge. Better choose edges at other knives wide because narrow edges do not equal cut and more often break.
8. Without saving at daggers points and having taken several qualitative, you will be able easily to cope with any work in kitchen, and your knives will long serve you.