Batteries – the integral element of interior of each apartment. Unfortunately, to brag of its appeal and esthetics not everyone can. Of course, massive pig-iron radiators can be replaced new, more elegant though much more simply and the cheapest way competently to disguise old batteries.
1. Instead of hiding the battery, try to make it attractive and original. Many have got used to paint radiators in the apartment in the most neutral and imperceptible colors: gray, white, pale blue. Arrive differently – paint batteries the same color, as walls. Then they visually with them will merge and will become less noticeable.
2. It is easy to turn the battery in the children's room into decorative element of interior. For this purpose paint over wall behind it in green color, and radiator – white. Decorate the general background with florets, blades, butterflies. The battery turn into some animal, for example, dog, cow or lamb, having drawn on it the head and trunk with claws. Be sure that the turned-out cheerful being will bring your kids into the real delight. You can also decorate the battery in the nursery with asterisks, hearts, multi-colored balls and other ridiculous drawings.
3. If the battery in the room is located directly under window, disguise it under long curtain. If the radiator is established on the wall which does not have windows decorate it smart portiere. In interiors of modern apartments of portiere look much more originally, than wall carpets.
4. You can disguise batteries by means of special panels: wooden or plastic which design choose according to the general registration of the room, color of walls and furniture. Give preference to tree. This material more eco-friendly. Plastic when heating can allocate unpleasant smell. Make sure that the panels chosen by you have enough openings for heat exit.
5. For masking of the battery you can use also special aluminum body which will hide not only front side of radiator, unlike panels, but also side.