In order that lilies have met expectations of the flower grower, it is necessary to put a lot of effort on care for these majestic and graceful plants. Since the moment of acquisition of bulbs, the correct landing, watering and fertilizing, finishing with the shelter on winter holidays – all this requires thorough control and attention.
It is required to you
- - bulbs of lilies;
- - garden stock;
- - peat;
- - humus;
- - sand;
- - debris and fir twigs of coniferous trees;
- - mineral fertilizers;
- - water for watering;
- - lutrasit.
1. Upon purchase of bulbs pay attention to their state. Quality material should not have dark stains, mold and mechanical damages. Scales of good bulb densely adjoin to each other, they dense and elastic to the touch. Roots are not overdried, their length is not less the 4-5th.
2. Autumn landing is preferable to this plant. The lily is photophilous, when choosing the place for lilies consider this factor. The flower does not love loamy soils and surplus of moisture. Lay sand, peat and coniferous debris (old needles and pieces of bark) in equal proportions on bottom of landing hole. Bulbs arrange at distance of 15-20 cm from each other and fill up with the same mix. Depth of landing of bulb has to exceed its length 2-3 times.
3. In the first year of blossoming at plant tear off all buds that the bulb has well taken root and has gained strength. Lilies do not love watering on leaves, make it at the roots plants in the evening. At frequent fertilizing by manure elevated part of plant develops, at the same time the bulb does not receive enough mineral substances and lilyof does not blossom the next year. That to avoid it, feed up lilies only complex mineral fertilizers. You bring humus as the mulching component, once during the season.
4. On one place of lily can grow up to 5 years then demand division and change. Dig out plant pitchfork to avoid damage of bulbs, separate young, healthy bulbs. Cut off roots of young plants to the 4-5th. Process bulbs weak solution of potassium permanganate and put on the new site.
5. Lilies best of all winter in the dry soil. Cover the stalks which are cut off on 10-15 cm above the ground with waterproof material at the end of October. Remove material after the beginning of the first frosts. Cover the earth over bulbs with fir twigs or lutrasily. Do not allow stagnation of melt water on the place of landing in the spring.