It is difficult to think up thing simpler and universal, than box. In it it is possible to transfer objects during moving, to store trifle lovely to heart in cabinets and under the bed, to use for decor of the apartment or as packing for gift.
- Cardboard, ruler, pencil, scissors / stationery knife, glue, color paper (brown paper), decorative bow.
1. Take the big sheet of cardboard. It has to be rather dense and not fragile – that has not cracked on bends. Draw rectangle in the center. It will be bottom of your box. The right and its left side is adjoined by box sides. Their height equals to depth of the container.
2. The top and lower edges of the main rectangle are adjoined by two more parties of box – front and back. Their height is equal to height of the side sides described in the previous point. On each side each of these parts add valves for connection of box. If you assume to store in it not heavy objects, will be valves 2 cm wide enough, otherwise it is better to increase width as much as possible. Cut off edges of valves at an angle of 45 degrees.
3. Bend cardboard on all nacherchenny lines. Grease valves with PVA glue and bend inside, connect them to box sides. While this part dries, make cover. Length and width are 2-5 mm more than it length and width of bottom of box, and height of sides can be any. Also add sides for fastening to two parties of cover.
4. Following this scheme, it is possible to make box of cardboard practically of any form. You repeat the main geometrical figure so many time, how many parties in box, you add bottom and valves and you do cover several millimeters more than the area of bottom of box.
5. Prepare all tools and materials for creation of hand-made article. Put before yourself cardboard, grease it with glue and paste on it color paper (brown paper). Well iron that there were no zalom and let's preparation dry up slightly.
6. Invert cardboard inner side up and by means of ruler and pencil draw figure which is shown in the drawing. The sizes of figure can be different, however all squares of figure have to be among themselves equal. Allowances for pasting of box have to be not less than one centimeter, only in this case the box finally turns out strong.
7. Cut the turned-out figure, bend it on dashed lines and start pasting (the party which is pasted over with color paper has to appear outside). And stick together part with part And', In stick together part with B part', With stick together part with part With', D stick together part with part D'. When pasting try as it is possible to press more strong to each other detalk that there were no gaps.
8. In order that the product finally looked more elegantly, it needs to be decorated. For this purpose take decorative bow (the bow of contrast color with the box will be ideal) and paste it to outer side of cover of box (in the drawing box cover - part E). Exclusively dense cardboard will be suitable for creation of similar box.
9. To make box, take the sheet of dense ornamental cardboard of 23*23 cm in size and one more sheet of the same cardboard of sizes 16*16. Some types of ornamental cardboard there is enough road, but you can take without loss of quality and cheaper cardboard. The gift box will have higher lower part and smaller cover therefore sheets of cardboard of the different size will be required. The size can vary the main thing that the cover and bottom approached to each other. Make cuts in the sheet of cardboard corresponding to box bottom. This leaf has to have sizes 23*23. As a result, by means of scissors, the design similar to equilateral cross has to turn out. Cuts should be done in such order. At first cut leaf at the edges on depth of 7.5 cm to the center, having receded from corners also on 7.5 cm. Put 4 cuts on two opposite sides of leaf. As a result at you 4 squares with the party of 7.5 cm on corners of sheet of cardboard and 2 rectangles located between them have to turn out. Then draw pencil lines on both sides of leaf, from above and from below having designated by them the place of cuts. After section along lines has to the form reminding cross or the sign of addition will turn out. At distance of 4 cm from edge cut side edges on diagonal towards the center. After that at you triangles from above and from below will turn out. Now we get to work on the second, smaller sheet of cardboard. Cut it thus as the first, only consider the smaller sizes. As a result the figure which reminds cross or the sign of addition will turn out. This figure will have triangular dredging on corners. Now bend corners on which there are triangular cuts. They will be 4: 2 from below and 2 from above.
10. Reduce sides of cardboard leaf together, having bent them towards the center. Take each corner from below and bend down it up. At the same time the central part of leaf which remained flat has to form the correct square. I.e. at you 4 side edges which surround bottom on boxes will turn out. It was necessary to connect side edges so that triangular ledges were located from the inside.
11. Connect side edges that triangular ledges were located from the inside. Bend edges of box upward, having once again made sure that cuts are located from the inside of walls. These cuts will serve connection of separate side edges of box.
12. Now make the same operations with cover. Take the smaller sheet of cardboard and bend sheet edges as it is described above. Then bend sheet edges to its center, having created side edges of box. Raise all four edges. Do not forget to watch that triangular cuts were from the inside all the time. Paste triangular cuts to inside face of walls of box. Thus, you in hands will have two half of box which can be combined with the glue help. Then wait when glue dries, having pressed edges of sides of box. Then put on box cover its basis. The self-made box of cardboard is ready.