How to make mushrooms for decoration of garden

How to make mushrooms for decoration of garden

Now it is very fashionable to decorate the personal plots with various ceramic figures. Various hares, frogs, gnomes very lovely look in summer flower beds. And you try to decorate the garden with self-made mushrooms, for a start.

It is required to you

  • - form for filling of hat (bowl or cup)
  • - plastic bottle
  • - food wrap
  • - stick
  • - alabaster and cement
  • - capacity for solution mixing
  • - paints acrylic and brush
  • - varnish for external works


1. Bowl or wide cup cover with film.

2. Mix alabaster and cement (in proportion 5:1). Mixing, add water that smetanoobrazny solution has turned out. Fill in with solution form for hat.

3. Until solution has stiffened, thrust stick in the center.

4. From plastic bottle cut off the top and lower parts. Densely press narrow side of the turned-out shape of leg of mushroom to the stiffening hat. The stick has to remain in shape of leg - it is necessary for strengthening of figure. Fill in solution in form.

5. Wait until solution stiffens - on it it is required minutes 15-20. Get fungus, remove film from hat, cut and remove bottle from leg.

6. Paint fungus, and then varnish. Your mushroom is ready. Make the whole family of mushrooms of the different size and go to decorate the garden.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
