Considering that object of property is share in the apartment, but not all apartment, and the personal account has to be opened not on all living space but only on share of each owner. In this regard if necessary you can make divisions of the account for payment of utilities.
It is required to you
- - legislation of the Russian Federation;
- - property right.
1. When the apartment is privatized, for division of the account of payment of utilities address to management company or condominium. If any services, for example supply with electricity or gas, provide you directly the power supplying organizations, you will need to file petition to each of them.
2. Provide in these organizations of the application from each owner of the room between which division of the account has to be made. Also you will need to bring documents which confirm the property right. Sometimes management companies refuse to make division without availability of the written agreement between owners. Therefore previously make this document in free form and sign.
3. If the management company refuses to grant your request or it is not possible to reach the agreement between owners, file a lawsuit the claim. In court the contract with management company can life is changed on the basis of Paragraph 2 of Article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and the personal account will be separated.
4. At appeal to the court prepare the package of documents: the reference from place of residence of family composition, the certificate of state registration, the certificate of lack of debts. Consider that to separate the available debt to pay only the part, you will not be able. But you will have then opportunity to collect the paid sum from the debtor in court.
5. If after division of the account you for any reason are absent houses more than five days, submit to management company the application for recalculation of payment of utilities. Also you will need to provide the documents confirming that this period of time you lived in other place. Consider that recalculation will not be made at once. UK will be required time to make authentication, the documents provided by you.
6. It is impossible to make division of the account in not privatized apartment.