The homeland of begonia are tropical forests and mountainous areas of Asia, South America and Africa. The name has received plant in honor of the governor of the republic of Haiti Michel Begon who was collector of rare plants. Each of 900 existing species of begonia has the coloring, the size and form. In house conditions most often grow up hybrid grades: the decorative and deciduous and decorative blossoming begonias.
It is required to you
- - sheet earth; - peat; - sand; - peat dust; - soft otstoyanny water; - liquid fertilizer.
1. Plant begonia to the easy, friable, subacidic soil with good drenazhy. Prepare mix from the sheet earth, peat and sand taken in the ratio 2:2:1. For young plant use mix of the peat and sheet earth, having taken them in equal quantities. Add the peat dust cut into small pieces to the soil bought in flower shop.
2. Arrange pot with begonia at the window coming to the southeast or the southwest. The plant perfectly feels in the light, but protected from hit of direct sunshine place. Remember that even stay of begonia, short on time, in the open sun will lead to burns of leaves.
3. Optimum temperature for plant are 18-20 °C, during the winter period of 17-18 °C. It is impossible to allow falls of temperature less than 15 °C and increases it is more than 20 °C.
4. Seeking to provide air humidity, sufficient for begonia, do not spray it at all. Otherwise leaves can become covered by brown spots. Put near plant better the container with water which, evaporating, will create optimum climate. Place pot with flower on tray with wet moss or well moistened peat in hot weather.
5. The begonia loves abundant watering, however does not transfer stagnation of water in pot, as well as dryings of the soil. Water flower when the top soil dries out on 1.5-2 cm. Water for watering has to be otstoyanny, warm and soft.
6. Replace young plant every year in the spring. At the same time attentively examine roots – whether there is no decay on them or wreckers. When the begonia begins to give buds, fertilize every two weeks its complex liquid fertilizer for the room blossoming plants.
7. The begonia both stem shanks, and seeds breeds. Making multiple copies plant of tuberous grade, cut germinated tubers in half so that on each half there were roots and sprouts. Powder fresh cuts with coal and sulfur.