Polycarbonate is modern and very universal material. To it is not present equal neither on set of operating ability, nor at rather small cost. This material is actively used for construction of greenhouses, lodges, boxes for cars or small gazebos. But it like plastic has one shortcoming. When designing it is important to consider that this plastic free of rack cannot be used.
Polycarbonate is good substitute of many more expensive options of plastic. He long does not grow old, possesses protection against degradation of properties under the influence of ultraviolet rays and does not fade. It is obvious that he also does not get wet from water and does not suffer from negative temperatures.
Not the integral leaf, but so-called cellular polycarbonate is most often used. This leaf hollow inside also has internal framework from the same polycarbonate. This material needs to be fixed so that the leaf had no big freedom on long flights. If for any reason the producer has not organized fixing of leaf in the necessary quantity of points, then it is better to fix in addition each leaf independently and not to wait for breakages from wind.
All necessary for work can be bought in any household shop. It is very convenient to select the necessary parts in work in shops like Lerua Merlen.
Main lack of polycarbonate
The main advantage which belongs at the same time and to lack of this structural material is mass of leaf. Huge leaf, the windage having very great value (i.e. easily rises wind stream), at the same time easy. The big flexibility and pliability allow wind to hook on the whole sheet of polycarbonate to similarly greenhouse film and to tear off from framework. If the size of design big and surface area considerable, for example, is executed from sheets all roof of construction, tosilny wind picks up polycarbonate and blows off egobez special work. The price of such impact of wind for you will be very notable.
Strengthening of sheet of polycarbonate
In order that the greenhouse or any other design has not lost all sewing sheets, polycarbonate needs to be strengthened at once at construction.
At the organization of strengthening it is necessary to consider that cellular polycarbonate - rather gentle material. If for strengthening the bolt fastening or fastening by screw on dot system are used, then under hardware from two parties it is necessary to enclose washers of the big size. The optimum size of washer – from 10 mm in the diameter. Besides, it is necessary to consider quantity of fixing points on design meter. If strengthening is incorrectly scattered on flights, then wind will tear off leaf even at big washers. Therefore, optimum way of fixing of sheet of polycarbonate is use of rail (metal or wooden) which will evenly press all sheet edge on all surface.
For strengthening of polycarbonate it is better to consider at once at structural design specific properties of this plastic and to put in framework special cross-pieces on long flights. It is also very good if to poluchitsyasdelat guides on which the leaf will move and on which it can be recorded. To design something similar to rails for plastic leaf. Then at assembly it will be necessary only to pass leaf throughout these rails and to fix by through hardware.
Options of arrangement of cross-pieces
It is possible to arrange cross-pieces or cross lines randomly. For example as below on illustration is shown.
For ukrepleniyamozhno to make cross-pieces both of wooden rails, and of metal rods or tubes. Well aluminum tubes or corners will approach. It is possible to use also strong wire or welded grid. Sheet polycarbonate is easily processed and "will make friends" with any type of strengthenings.It is very convenient to apply special metal strips with openings which will fasten to framework or profiles for polycarbonate fastening. However, it is necessary to understand that standard profiles for polycarbonate fastening not capable to hold leaf at strong wind and are used rather as decorative elements. The main fastening anyway has to be carried out to strong framework soglasn to the opravila described above.If fastenings are planned through, then in independence of the size enclosed shaybochek, it is necessary to plan three-four fixing points for meter flight. It is necessary to fix leaf so that the pressure force rendered on the fixed space did not break internal framework of leaf. Do not forget to buy also ""water adhesive tape"" or universal tape. It will need to be pasted in those places where fixing points will be placed in order that has not broken off polycarbonate.
Stiffening fins or cross lines need to be recorded on the main framework of all design. Besides opportunity it is better to record leaf, such modernization will allow to strengthen in addition framework and to make it steadier. For example, if you have decided to strengthen the greenhouse bought in shop, then framework in the standard version very shaky also is not always capable to maintain all external influences.