Recently the big splash in interest in ancient roses is noted. Gardeners love these grades for resistance to diseases, great aroma, endurance and old-fashioned flower forms among which there are a lot of beautiful grades which are widely available now. Today we will find out what sorta of ancient roses exist.
Ancient roses are hybrids of botanical roses, very fragrant and beautiful. This group of roses treats the most valuable. Let's find out what of them are most known.
Roses often call queens of flowers, roses were always love symbol, especially red. There are various types of roses: botanical, climbing, but the most rare and the most valuable are ancient roses. Ancient roses are divided into two groups: those which blossom once a year, and what have flower of the big size. They can have many lobes, they are very steady and simple in cultivation.
Variety of ancient roses
Damask rose: one of the oldest grades of roses, usually consists of 36 lobes. Blossoms several times within year and has very delicate aroma. This rose has the form of cup and usually intense, pink color, can also be white or red colors. Oil of the Damask rose is often used in cosmetics.
Rose Alba: this type goes back to the Middle Ages. Blossoms once a year, in June, and its bushes can reach even two meters in height. Roses are very resistant to cold and freezing. Lobes of this rose can be white, light pink or peach-pink.
Gallic rose: at this rose very large flowers, and its origin ascends from Renaissance. Gallic roses grow in bushes which can reach two meters, have a few thorns and can be purple or pink color, with the central, yellow stamens. They are usually small, but with large number of lobes and have sweet, but intensive aroma.
Chinese rose: the Chinese roses are a curling bushes which height can reach 5 meters. Flowers of this rose very small also blossom in the summer, till fall.
Roza Portland: it seems, this type of rose comes from hybridization between the Damask and Gallic roses. Roza is called Portland which liked to collect these roses in the garden in honor of the duchess. This rose very fragrant, blossoms in the fall and in the summer.
Mossy rose: these roses have been grown up in France in the nineteenth century. Roses with various characteristics belong to this grade of ancient roses, but they are united by "muscosità", that is that fact that all of them are covered with some kind of fragrant moss.
It is easy to grow up ancient roses because they are resistant to low temperatures and seldom are attacked by wreckers.
They have to be put in the soil which should not be sour. The rose has to receive light not less than 6 hours a day. Ideal time for their cultivation - from November to March: dig out big hole and lay bottom leaves together with the soil and organic fertilizers. These roses should be watered once a week.