What days are favorable for landing of cabbage

What days are favorable for landing of cabbage

Landing of cabbage in days favorable for this purpose can become guarantee of good harvest for the summer resident. The choice of date for crops of seeds is influenced by weather patterns, national signs, the lunar calendar and set of other factors.


1. In Ancient Russia the cabbage and other cultures were not recommended to plant in "men's" days – Monday, Thursday or Tuesday. Such dates were considered as infertile. Experienced gardeners noticed that at non-compliance with this rule, cabbage did not differ in good growth, it was often ruined by wreckers and diseases.

2. Among "men's" days there are some exceptions. For example, for landing of cabbage the clean Thursday and the first Monday after Easter are considered as favorable days. In the ideal afternoon for this culture the Saturday is.

3. Traditionally seeds of cabbage begin to prepare for crops at the beginning of March or at the beginning of May. If cabbage of early grades, then seeds sow in the first of March, and to the open ground plant seedling at the end of March or at the beginning of April. At the same time it is necessary to use hotbed or the greenhouse. If cabbage of late grades, then these dates are postponed to May. At the beginning of month the cabbage is sowed, and landed towards the end of May.

4. According to the Lunar calendar it is not recommended to plant cabbage under the growing Moon, in the period of new moon and full moon. The decreasing Moon – the ideal period for crops of seeds.

5. Pay attention that the Lunar calendar never is constant. If you are interested in rules of landing and crops of cabbage according to these rules, then it is better to acquire the special schedule the current year in advance. Astrologers claim that growth of seedling and quality of future harvest are influenced directly by phases of the Moon.

6. If you do not trust the Lunar calendar and the main thing what it is worth paying attention when landing cabbage to is favorable weather patterns is not too inclined to adhere to national signs, then. In order that seedling well grew and was strong, the full-fledged daylight hours lasting not less than 13 hours is necessary for it. Usually such days come in April-May. Seldom such conditions can be observed in March.

7. The minimum mark of air temperature for growth of cabbage in the open ground – 13 degrees. Otherwise seedling will die and to return it to life at you it will not turn out. If weather patterns is unstable, then it is better to postpone planting of cabbage to May days. It is better to carry out crops of seeds at the end of March or at the beginning of April.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
