What features of agrotechnology at grade of tomatoes ""Idler"

What features of agrotechnology at grade of tomatoes ""Idler"

The grade "Idler" has appeared in the Russian market a few years ago. He is brought by selectors as the tomato intended for the fresh use and also for use in cookery. Large and fleshy fruits are not suitable for conservation. It is, perhaps, the only lack of "Idler". Amateur gardeners give appreciation to grade for good tomato taste of fruits, its early ripeness and indiscriminateness to leaving.

Distinctive properties of grade

Tomatoes "Idler" are find for busy summer residents who visit on the sites only on weekends and cannot pay due attention to landings. Bushes low also do not demand pasynkovaniye, care for plant is required minimum, and here the size of tomatoes impresses. The mass of tomatoes averages 250-300 g. Some copies weigh 600 g. Fruits possess smooth heart-shaped form and are painted in bright red color.

"Idler" is early ripening grade. From shoots before maturing of the first tomato passes 95-100 days. Low bush, its height is only 50-60 cm. The tomato is intended for cultivation in the open ground and in film greenhouses.

Tomatoes have pleasant taste. Fructification period stretched. Fruits appear till September. Productivity for this look tomato good, from one bush it is possible to collect to 4 kg of fruits.

Nuances of agrotechnology: cultivation of seedling

Crops of seeds of tomato "Idler" on seedling is carried out in the third decade of March, they can be sowed till April 5. Amicable shoots can be received only from uniform in the weight and the size of seeds, it is recommended to select them in the following way:

  • To make 5% solution of table salt.
  • To submerge seeds for 5 minutes in salty liquid.
  • The easy fraction will emerge, and heavy seeds will fall by bottom. Those that have emerged can be thrown out as from them not to receive qualitative saplings, and those that have fallen by bottom, need to be collected and washed out.

Also experienced gardeners recommend to process before crops seeds from causative agents of diseases. Effective way is soaking of planting stock in weak-pink solution of potassium permanganate within 30 minutes. After the procedure the seeds wash out, dry and start planting of seedling.

Crops is carried out to the boxes filled with the nutritious substrate made of the garden earth, humus or compost. For friability it is possible to add a little coarse-grained sand to soil. Also for landing of seeds it is possible to use tomato and ready universal soil for seedling.

Planting seeds on seedling, arrive as follows:

  • The soil in container is humidified and leveled.
  • Put superficial grooves (depth of 0.5-1 cm) through each 4-5 cm.
  • In them display seeds on distance of 1 cm from each other and fill up with the soil.
  • Boxes cover with polyethylene film and put to the warm place. If temperature is maintained in limits +23-25ºС, shoots will begin to appear in 5-6 days.
  • With the advent of eyelets the film is removed and rearranged to the light place. During this period it is good to dosvechivat seedling daylight lamps. This reception will allow to grow up strong and healthy seedling.
  • At emergence of 2-3 real leaves the seedlings of ""Idler"" dive. They are carefully undermined, trying not to damage backs, and replace in separate glasses with a diameter of 8-12 cm.

Disembarkation to the open ground and cultivation of grade

To the open ground seedling of "Idler" is planted after the threat of frosts passes. For grade the beginning of June will be optimum terms of disembarkation in open. But it is possible to make it and a little earlier ("Idler" maintains short-term fall of temperature) if to cover landings with film.

Holes do at distance 50-60 cm from each other. Add humus handful to everyone. Pole it is abundant water and place in it seedling, having it under inclination. Roots and part of stalk powder with the earth and again humidify. The first week watering is not required to young plants. Water which has been poured in holes when landing is enough for rooting of saplings. Near saplings establish pegs to which in several days after landing it will be necessary to tie up young tomatoes.

In further having watered "Idlers" make after drying of top soil, without allowing difference of humidity as it can lead to deterioration of fruits. After each procedure it is necessary to carry out scarification, without allowing formation of crust. Mulching of the soil straw or new-mown grass will allow to keep moisture.

"Idler" is very ordinary in leaving. According to the recommendations of the producer stepsons it is necessary to cut off only to the first brush, further it is not required to do it. On side stepsons large number of ovaries which will yield additional harvest is formed.

Fertilizing to "Idler", as well as other grades of tomato, is necessary. The first will be out in 2-3 weeks after planting of seedling, the second and third - when maturing fruits. The best fertilizers for ""Idler"" are infusions of mowed grass, manure and solutions of wood ashes (200 g on 10 l).

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
