Why at pepper fall down leaves

Why at pepper fall down leaves

At greenhouse cultivation of hot or sweet pepper the gardeners quite often should face various anomalies in development of this vegetable culture. The leading place among similar problems is taken by situation when pepper dumps leaves. Such problem directly indicates errors in care for this exacting plant.

If at hothouse pepper fall down leaves, then, despite the seeming harmlessness of this phenomenon, it is necessary to pay to problem the closest attention since serious diseases of plant or gross violation of agrotechnical receptions can be the cause of such atypical leaf fall.

The reasons of subsidence of leaves at pepper

In case at seedling of pepper healthy by sight the foliage begins to turn pale, yellow or fall down, then the following factors can be the reason for that:

  • plants have been planted to the improper soil: exhausted or poor in nutrients;
  • technology of watering is broken: temperature condition was not observed, the insufficient amount of water was used, at irrigation large amount of moisture got on leaves;
  • shadowing of beds with plants or too low temperature in the greenhouse;
  • defeat of vegetable culture by the wreckers or microorganisms causing various diseases.

What to do if at pepper fall down leaves

First of all it is necessary to pay attention to the scheme according to which seedling has been planted. Pepper is plant which very badly transfers narrowness therefore at excessive thickening of bed it is necessary to carry out thinning and to seat saplings at sufficient distance from each other. The interval in 30-40 cm is considered optimum, but this size can change depending on grade and size of the expected fruits.

At insufficient fertility of the soil or under adverse external conditions (incessant rains, shortage it is warm also light) the root system of pepper reduces intensity of the work and the plant ceases to receive nutrients in the necessary quantity, as causes loss of leaves. It is possible to correct this situation by means of fertilizing: very well irrigation of leaves strong infusion of garden or meadow grass helps and also having watered with such growth factor as sodium humate.

Besides, it is necessary to remember that pepper badly transfers the increased acidity of the soil and surplus of nitrogen fertilizers. The gardeners preferring organic fertilizing should note that the most suitable fertilizer for pepper wood ashes which are brought in the earth at autumn processing of beds are considered. When using peat it is necessary to consider its ability to increase acidity of the soil.

Correct watering

Even if at observance of all necessary conditions of care for plant, at pepper all the same fall down leaves, the wrong watering can be the reason for that. This vegetable culture is considered quite exacting to quality of irrigation: the soil has to be humidified evenly, without excess moisture or long droughts. Watering is made only well heated-up water since pepper can begin to dump leaves even after single use of too cold water. The most favorable time for watering the early morning or the first hours after sunset is considered while the earth still keeps heat.

But, in spite of the fact that pepper is considered thermophilic culture, excessively dry air in the greenhouse, the lack of airing and excessive heat also do not do well to plant. If subsidence of leaves is connected with the fact that on the street too hot, then many gardeners solve this problem fixing on ceiling of hotbed of specialized nonwoven fabrics.

In cold and rainy summer when cloudy days prevail, the hothouse plants need to provide additional highlighting with lamps. 

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
