From the school program it is known that mononuclear sentences in which it is indicated the action or a state arising and existing irrespective of the carrier of a state or the producer of action are called impersonal.
Impersonal sentences are very expressive, short. They are of great importance in dialogues of works of art. Are often used in informal conversation. In the text often such offers expressed state of nature, the environment, mood of the person, his sincere and physical state. Impersonal sentences it is easier to formulate impossibility, inevitability of actions, denial. Also, according to Dietmar Rosenthal, the shade of inertness, passivity is inherent in these syntactic designs. According to other famous linguist, Alexander Peshkovsky, by means of impersonal sentences it is possible to express: - ease of action. Such design helps the author to show that action takes place in itself, without efforts of the person ("It was sowed freely …"); - a state with which the person himself cannot cope ("By it it was not sat in place"); - suddenness of an act. When people do not expect such actions from themselves ("Here to them I go …", - itself affected at Brykin"); - time when action is made in itself, against the will of the person. Any reasons, sometimes not clear (from here and an impersonal form of expression), stop it, force to arrive in a different way ("You what, could not tell?", - Tanya asked. "Somehow it was not said yes", - he answered her"); - work of memory, its clearing and other features of an organism ("Suddenly the head earned very clearly. It was remembered: went on the faded field."); - the sincere processes connected with activity of imagination ("Now here it is dreamed: to get sick for about two weeks, on three"); - the belief of the person in something which does not have under itself the reasons. The person believes since he wants it to be executed ("It was trusted for some reason that the spring will be early"); - the brainwork which is made irrespective of the person wants to think of it or not ("And it was still thought that now everything will go in a different way"). Thus, a general meaning of impersonal sentences - the adoption of independent action (sign) which is not correlated to the figure.