The stewed rabbit perfectly is suitable both for a family lunch or a dinner, and for a holiday table. Meat of a rabbit very gentle and useful, it is perfectly combined with the majority of garnishes, for example, with a fried potatoes or boiled vegetables.
It is required to you
- rabbit;
- sour cream;
- onions;
- carrots;
- bay leaf;
- black sprinkling pepper;
1. Take a carcass of a rabbit, wash up in cold water, remove films and cut on flank steaks. To remove a smell (if it is available), wet the cut meat in water with the small amount of vinegar added to it not less, than for an hour. If for cutting the hatchet is used - try to separate pieces from one blow as after 2-3 blows of a bone at a rabbit can be shattered. Mix salt and a black sprinkling pepper, strew with them meat and leave not less, than for half an hour for impregnation. Then fry meat on vegetable oil, they have to turn out with a golden crust.
2. Peel 2 onions and carrots. Grate carrots or cut circles, onions - rings or half rings, accurately fry them on vegetable oil that they didn't burn. Lay out vegetables on a pan bottom (it has to be obligatory with a thick bottom), from above accurately lay on them ranks meat.
3. Make sauce, for this purpose take 100 milliliters of hot water and pour in 400 grams of store sour cream (15-20% of fat content). Salt and pepper to taste, add some seasoning for meat and mix. Fill in with the received sauce meat and vegetables.
4. Put a pan on slow fire and you stew a rabbit within 40 minutes. Then put in a pan of 1-2 bay leaves and extinguish about 20-30 more minutes, depending on the weight of a rabbit. If liquid strongly boils away, add boiled water to a pan. A ready rabbit it is possible just before giving on a table to strew the parsley which is small chopped by greens.