Wound - fabric of the present and future

Wound - fabric of the present and future

The modern textile industry offers consumers huge amount of fabrics. One of the last novelties in this area – wound. It is fabric with high esthetic and technical characteristics, but with the pluses and minuses, requirements to work with it.

Polisatin: what fabric is?

Polisatin: what fabric is?

The modern rhythm of life dictates the terms for selection of the minimum actions in a household. It concerned also fabrics, simplicity of care for them. For the last decades the weaver's industry stepped far ahead and the most improved and various types of fabrics were born. One of such versions is unique fabric – polysateen.

What is polymer

What is polymer

Polymer – the high-molecular chemical consisting of a large number of monomeric links. Thanks to the chain building, polymers have high elasticity and ability to sharply change the physical properties under the influence of reagents.

Polyester: what fabric is

Polyester: what fabric is

In the modern market of fabrics it is possible to call polyester the indisputable leader. By different calculations of a product from it occupy from 40 to 50 percent of all world market of textile products. How does polyester what fabrics from it make and in what properties they differ look?

How to extract aluminum

How to extract aluminum

Aluminum - easily melting metal. Without it it is quite difficult to present modern life. Do wires of aluminum, cover the case of planes, it well carries current. It is possible to extract metal not only on production, but also in house conditions.