New knowledge of the world around, not only forms consciousness, but also improves vital conditions. Studying the nature – a laborious and hard work which busy scientists of all planet.
1. To open something new, it is necessary to have the strong base founded on experience. Therefore any scientist before studying a certain natural phenomenon, thoroughly enriches himself with knowledge from the researches which are already done in this area.
2. Observation – the method used at the beginning of any research and demanding a lot of time and patience. Watching the nature and its processes, the scientist describes the smallest details of what was seen in the works.
3. Usually special tools are necessary for the scientist for observation. For example, a microscope for studying microorganisms, the field-glass and the video camera for observation of wild animals, the telescope to watch stars.
4. The work written to scientists can long be discussed in a circle of researchers, being complemented with the new facts. It allows to bring the developed material to a conclusion of an objective hypothesis.
5. At this stage it is important to compare the gained knowledge with those that for a long time "on shelves" sciences become dusty and to elicit those facts which do not keep within last perception of the studied phenomenon. Actually on the basis of these facts the new hypothesis is also removed.
6. The next stage in studying the nature – confirmation of the received hypothesis by an experimental method. This method includes a number of identical experiments during which the real conditions which are thinly controlled from the outside are artificially recreated.
7. The hypothesis is taken for granted only in case the experiment made several times showed the same result. After that the new scientific theory which moves progress is born.
8. Measurement - one more way to study the nature. Usually this method is an attendant for observations and experiments. The essence consists in obtaining quantitative knowledge via special technical devices. So scientists learned about Earth sizes, depth of the seas and oceans.