How to check acidity of the soil

How to check acidity of the soil

One of many conditions of successful cultivation of plants, bushes and fruit-trees is the indicator of acidity of the soil. To perform measurement of this parameter, important for landowners, it is not obligatory to use specialized devices or agrochemical laboratory. It is just necessary to get a set of indicator tests.

It is required to you

  • - Metal scoop or spade;
  • - Gauze;
  • - Plastic or metal capacity;
  • - Set of indicator paper strips.


1. By means of a scoop or a spade take in various parts of the site at various depth of test of the soil.

2. Place them in capacity and carefully mix them in a whole. The average sample which will be required to us for the further analysis will turn out.

3. Take the clean gauze put in several layers, place in it a number of a soil sample. Gather edges of a gauze. You can stick or fix them by a clothespin.

4. Prepare net glass or plastic capacity. Pour in it the distilled or clear rain water at the rate of 4-5 parts of water on 1 part of the soil sample placed in a gauze.

5. Place a gauze with the soil in the container with water. Leave for 5-10 minutes.

6. Take a strip from a set of universal indicator paper. It is impregnated with special chemical reactants which reacting, get various coloring depending on acidity of the environment. It is possible to acquire similar set in any shop of agrotechnical accessories and materials or even in the relevant online store.

7. Take out a gauze with the soil from capacity, let's a part of water flow down and mix the remained water.

8. Lower for several seconds the most part of an indicator strip in the received soil and water extract, and then take out. Reaction of acidity of the soil is estimated on a scale rn which was developed by scientists-chemists.

9. Find a color gradient scale in indicator set – it has to be present surely complete with paper strips. Values of acidity are given in color options.

10. Define according to them color of the moistened strip, is closer to what of options test approaches. If rn it is less or equally 4.5 – the soil silnokisly; within 4.5-5.0 – srednekisly; 5.1-5.5 - subacidic; more than 5.5 – close to neutral. If the indicator rn = 7, the soil neutral, above an indicator 7 – means the soil has alkaline reaction.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
