The line of the horizon is the straight line which is conditionally in space at the level of the observer's eyes. It plays an important role during creation of a picture. Without definition of the line of the horizon you will not be able correctly to construct prospect of the image of objects.
It is required to you
- Transparent glass with liquid
1. The line of the horizon can be defined by water or other liquid poured in a transparent glass. Bring it to eyes so that to see a horizontal line of water level. It will also be the line of the horizon. Also this line of water will specify height of the horizon of rather surrounding objects and phenomena. It is possible to define the line of the horizon by means of observation of a subject form if we draw a still life.
2. It is easy to define the line of the horizon on model since it is at the level of an eye all the time and it is not tied to something. Thus, the horizon changes the situation depending on the place from where look. If the person rises, then also the line of the horizon rises. If it falls, then also it falls.
3. All objects concerning the horizon are divided into those that there are from below also those that are from above. The first will settle down under the line of the horizon, and the second - over it.
4. It should be noted that all lines which are parallel in a picture have one point of a descent on the line of the horizon.
5. If you draw on an open-air, then the line of the horizon can be pronounced. For example, the sky and the earth, the sky and the sea, the sky and the steppe where it is accurately visible the line of the horizon though it also seems their boundary line. When you work in studio or a house situation, the imagined horizontal plane which passes at the level of the viewer's eyes acts as the line of the horizon.