Logical thinking – the quality extremely necessary for each person. Perfectly developed logic will help both with study, and with work, and even with everyday life. These are achievements in mathematics, physics, the excellent solution of daily questions, brilliant adoption of the correct important decisions. How to develop logic and thinking, have to think all – both parents, and adults, and teenagers.
Development of logic in children
How to develop logic at the child? It is desirable to begin as soon as possible, since two years it is possible to play with the kid the games developing logic. The simplest and fascinating entertainments develop their logical thinking at tots. It all the known tasks when at two pictures it is necessary to find common features or differences, to tell, for example, than differs mother animal from a cub. An excellent training – a game when it is necessary to find an excess subject from four-five offered. The logic is developed also by toys in which it is necessary to put the picture from parts, to pick up an insert for the necessary opening, and many others. The task of parents is not to be lazy, and to play together with the child, to prompt and help it, to praise and support when it is necessary.
Development of logic in adults
How quickly to develop logic at the adult? It is necessary to be engaged in self-development all life, constantly. The simplest exercise machine which is perfectly developing logic is a game in chess. Playing chess, players constantly solve the problems developing logic. The charm of logical games is that this not only useful, but also cheerful carrying out time.
Both adults, and children surely should acquire the books developing logic. Good books on this subject consist so that both children, and their mothers and fathers could find tasks, useful to the level. In such book there have to be several levels of complexity that the person chose a task, being guided by the level of development of the logic. Such books often contain also the tests developing logic.
The exercises developing logic will help with any age. One of them, very effective, is called "Concepts of the necessary order". The task is that concepts need to be placed from values private to the general. Options of this exercise set, here one of them: "The temple, the building, Parthenon, Parthenon, the temple Ancient Greek, a construction for a ritual". Correct answer is as follows: "Parthenon – the temple Ancient Greek – the temple – a construction for a ritual – the building". Performing similar tasks, it is possible to develop the opportunities of thinking, to study forming of logical chains.