Any woman has jewelry. They are capable to turn even a modest dress into refined and solemn. It is difficult to imagine the girl who has no gold chain, or a ringlet.
But, as well as any metal, gold can grow old. It can be noticed on the formed raid which does once joyfully sparkling things, dim and unattractive. If you dream to return to the jewelry a presentable look, you should learn how it is possible to purify gold in house conditions. This procedure will not take a lot of time and will not force to buy expensive liquids for cleaning.
How to purify gold in house conditions with soda?
For return to jewelry of this precious metal of former beauty, it is possible to use the simplest means, for example, baking soda which will always be in kitchen. Make solution, for this purpose in a cup with water it is necessary to part 1 tsp of this powder, and lower jewelry there. Gold in such solution needs to be taken within an hour then to wash out it under clear flowing water and to wipe jewelry with a soft rag, for example, a piece of flannel fabric. It is an easy and fast way which helps, both to purify gold from dirt, and to return it gloss.
Also simply, as well as soda it is possible to purify gold with liquid ammonia. This way is even more effective. Mix sal ammoniac and powder of usual white chalk, by means of a soft rag apply it on ornament and slightly rub gold. Only be careful, do not scratch metal. Then wash out your ring or a chain in soap solution and rinse with clear water. Also dry up gold jewelry by means of a clean piece of a flannel.
This way helps how to purify gold from blackness which can sometimes appear if products were long stored in inadequate conditions, and to remove a raid which does them dim.
Than it is possible to clean off gold to gloss?
If ornament just lost former gloss, it is worth using easier and available ways of cleaning. For example, it is possible just to take a quarter of hour gold in soap solution. It is simple to prepare such solution, stir a small piece of laundry soap in a glass with warm water. In this capacity lower ornament, and after the expiration of 15 minutes wash them with clear water.
And here not the most not expensive way as it is possible to purify house gold, use the following recipe. Dissolve in a cup with water 1 tsps of granulated sugar and lower jewelry there. It is possible to keep precious metal in this mix no more than 3 hours. Then rinse a ring, a bracelet or a chain and dry up them.
If gold jewelry cannot be cleaned in house conditions, it is necessary to carry it in a jewelry workshop. The master by means of special means will accurately remove pollution. He can recommend you what means to apply better to cleaning and as it is correct to look after products from precious metals.
What affects appearance of gold jewelry
If the woman wants to face as seldom as possible a problem of the fact that it is necessary to clean jewelry, then it is worth taking care of the correct storage of such things. You do not hold gold products where on them sunshine constantly get. Get a special box for a jewelry. Inside they are trimmed by special soft fabric which protects gold from appearance of scratches. Also this box will protect jewelry from hit of dust, influence of the damp environment and other factors which influence formation of a raid and spots on precious metal.
The more carefully you care for safety of jewelry, the probability that it is regularly necessary to clean them is lower.