What is the liquid glass

What is the liquid glass

Liquid glass is very popular in construction and other spheres, but not all know that it represents. It appears, it is water alkaline solution of silicate of potassium or sodium. Therefore liquid glass is called still silicate glue.

Many heard and used liquid glass, but here that it represents, know not all. If to explain with clear words, then it is a combination of silicate compositions of sodium and potassium. Also it includes dioxide of silicon which is extracted from quartz sand.

Ways of production of liquid glass

Today liquid glass is made by processing in the autoclave of the raw materials containing silicon, the concentrated sodium hydroxide. The technology at which quartz sand is alloyed with soda is also known.

Though also other methods of receiving material which are based on a possibility of direct dissolution of siliceous raw materials in alkaline solutions with a normal pressure and temperature of boiling of such solution are known. As for the sphere of use of the received material, it is connected with its components and physical characteristics: the knitting properties, spontaneous curing, high adhesion. Besides liquid glass is ecologically safe for human health.

Options of use of material

Such material is acceptable in all industrial spheres - in particular for mechanical engineering and the chemical industry, metallurgy, medicine and construction, agriculture. For example, in the construction sphere, material is used in the form of some additives to building materials, solutions and mixes, impregnations and primers. Quite often liquid glass acts as a link at compound of incompatible materials. It can be even glue. Perfectly they can delete old paint. There is a liquid glass in some cleaning and detergents. Among various qualities of this product It should be noted its acceptable antiseptic indicators. For example, the surface processed by such material is much more resistant to emergence of a fungus. Also water resistance improves, the possibility of corrosion of products decreases. This material it is possible to protect the base from influence of ground waters and also to increase waterproofing qualities of a coupler. Even usual wells cannot do without liquid glass as design walls, first of all, are processed by this structure, and then only cement solution with its addition. Besides, similar glass allows to improve durability, fire resistance, atmospheric firmness that in turn promotes high degree of durability.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
