Having wounded, the person can use any anti-septic tank which is available for him – iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, and then to tie up a sore point a clean bandage to avoid infection. Animals are deprived of such benefits of a civilization therefore they should lick the wounds.
1. Instead of iodine, brilliant green and pure bandage many types are capable to use own language. Scientists established that at saliva of animals who have a habit to lick wounds there are substances accelerating growth of fibroblast – cells of connecting fabric and also cells of epidermis. These substances accelerate healing of both superficial, and deep wounds.
2. Saliva of a dog contains protein lysozyme. Thanks to it saliva has bactericidal property. The animal is capable not only to treat it the wounds, but also to watch hygiene.
3. Often the animal in the wild nature can get serious wound when it is difficult to be limited to use of one saliva. Clever animals adapted to use for treatment of a grass. If the mammal before beginning to lick a sore point, chews the bitter wormwood or a yarrow then healing properties of saliva will amplify. Juice of plants accelerates regeneration of fabrics and prevents rotting of a wound.
4. Animals lick not only wounds, but also places of stings. Wolves and dogs which were bitten by a snake before starting treatment, eat several plants of the clematis relating to family of a crowfoot family. While the animal licks the struck place, juice of a clematis neutralizes poison.
5. Contains in saliva of the person many times less substances promoting the fastest regeneration of fabrics. Nevertheless, the Dutch scientists could allocate these components. Having divided saliva into components, they found out that at it there are substances capable to disinfect wounds, to accelerate restoration of the damaged fabrics. Also they have analgesic effect, working six times more effectively than morphine. Physicians and scientists hope that their opening will help them to create effective drugs for treatment of many skin diseases – for example, ulcers and eczemas.