How to describe a geographical location of the sea

How to describe a geographical location of the sea

From a school bench all perfectly remember that our planet more consists of water. The rivers, the seas, oceans, make the hydrosphere of Earth. It is worth studying the World Ocean from drawing up a geographical location of its objects. It is possible to try, for example, from the sea. The sea – water with certain properties, is a part of the ocean, is isolated from it by the land.

What currents cold

What currents cold

Current is called the horizontal movement of water in oceans and the seas. Currents transfer the huge mass of water to long distances. They are divided into warm and cold. If temperature of a current is lower than temperature of surrounding waters, it is defined as cold. Cold make the third part of all known currents.

What planet the hottest

What planet the hottest

Venus is considered the hottest planet of the Solar system, average temperature on it is 460 °C-480 of °C. Though this planet approaches Earth closer, than any other, dense atmosphere does not allow to see its surface.

As the coldest lake is called

As the coldest lake is called

The Oymyakonsky district of Yakutia stores on the earth a natural miracle – the deep lake which appeared on the place of a crevice. Waters of this lake the coldest in the world among waters of natural reservoirs.

Why metal cold

Why metal cold

Sometimes it is hard to answer simple children's questions even to the adult. You endeavor to remember why, indeed, a grass green, and birds are not on a silver platter, but, as ill luck would have it, nothing intelligible comes to mind. If children ask a question of why metal cold, or you do not know the correct answer yet, read attentively.