Aggression at men - the reasons

Aggression at men - the reasons

Bright expression of own negative emotions is peculiar to a strong half of mankind from time to time. Aggression attacks at men generally occur seldom, but as they say, neatly. At first sight it seems that the similar behavior is caused by the factors lying on a surface. For example, unexpected uncontrollable aggression can be written off for unsuccessful day, problems at work, badly parked car of the neighbor. But actually everything lies a little more deeply.

Aggression reasons

Flashes of aggression at men are directly connected with natural instincts. Any man wants to feel strong and successful. Therefore you should not be surprised to its negative reaction to your seemingly playful comment on its career development or financial position. Also each person wants to feel imperious therefore by means of aggression your chief can try to make an impression on you, to cause desire to begin to work or feel the bad professional, that is the similar behavior often can be equated to self-defense or increase in the status in own eyes.

Similar fits of anger also owing to a certain endurance are peculiar to men. Often they suffer a defeat and failures, save offenses in themselves, trying to avoid the conflict with relatives or friends. Also not all young people are inclined to bright manifestation of emotions, that is aggression – some kind of emotional discharge.

One more factor of emergence of similar behavior can be considered dissatisfaction of any plan – the low social status, unattractiveness, low financial position, unresolved problems.

From all aforesaid there is a question – how in that case to fight against aggression? If your partner does not wish to address the psychologist or for some reason dislikes thematic literature, try to train him in self-checking.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
