Many dream of the successful wealthy man, receive units. How to be among the elite? It is not enough to be beautiful. To attract successful men, it is necessary to develop the charm and femininity. Besides, it is necessary to be also the personality.
Find internal harmony
The successful self-sufficient man comes to the woman's life not to solve her sincere problems. It from it he waits for much: that the woman will give him herself, to restore its forces after hard work, to surround with care. In exchange he will give that it has: status, material benefits.
The girl nervous, izderganny, torn apart by internal contradictions of chances has not enough. Therefore first of all we find internal harmony and happiness to be ourselves. Will help with it:
- sports activities, yoga;
- long walks outdoors;
- meditation;
- reading qualitative literature.
It is possible to begin with simple. Clean the life from all superfluous, throw out stuff from the house. It will help "to get rid of stuff".
Learn to find more free time. For this purpose stop watching TV, limit "sitting" in the Internet. Be not spent for an idle talk, especially by phone.
Get rid of communication with "toxic" people: envious persons, gossips. You are not on friendly terms with those who reduce your self-assessment. On the contrary, communicate with clever, quiet and wise interlocutors more. You strike up acquaintances to those who are higher than you on the status - at them it is possible to gather good vital lessons.
Whenever possible, give up the affairs irritating you. Or give them new sense. For example, if you do not like to wash the dishes - present that you clean with this work life from superfluous.
If ached, then at once you are treated. Diseases take away forces, time, beauty! And still money, especially if to start the diseases.
Develop in the personal and professional plan. If are dissatisfied with the current work - you study new and change it. It is not obligatory to set to itself high career goals - the main thing, to feel satisfaction from own activity.
Find a hobby which will give you inspiration and true joy. For example, practise drawing, music. And here from addictions if you have them, - get rid.
Become better
The following party of your appeal - your mind. Here the speech not about the academic knowledge though, certainly, the former dvoyechnitsa will hardly interest the man with high intelligence. It is necessary to know well human and, in particular, the men's nature.
Read books about psychology of the stronger sex. For example, Osho - "About men". Create to yourself a fair idea of that is wanted by men and that you can give.
Learn to be pleasant in communication - not only with the elected man, but also with all. At first pay attention to literacy of the speech. We remove filler words, correctly we put accents. We pronounce words without haste, without "losing" sounds.
Read classical literature, learn verses by heart - the speech will become richer and more harmonious. At the same time also the erudition will increase. Also courses of oratorical skill are useful to development of the speech.
You learn to constrain manifestation of negative emotions. At the same time, do not turn into a doll with the motionless person. Natural affability, a smile - your main weapon.
In a conversation train more to listen, than to speak. Try to support subjects which occupy the interlocutor. You speak about him. Do not object "bluntly", you learn to understand others point of view.
Try to find something positive in each person with whom you communicate and interesting to yourself. Give sincere compliments, it will dispose to you people around.
Develop the attention and observation, you learn to catch sensitively the slightest changes in behavior of the interlocutor and adequately to react to them. It will allow you to guess desires of men that those very much appreciate.
Learn language of sign and a mimicry, be not too lazy to study couple of good books on a subject. The ability "to read" other people will open for you someone else's secretion. At the same time train to control own pose, gestures and a look, it will help to send you the necessary signal to the interlocutor. At the same time it is beautiful and natural to do it.
You learn not to be intense. When the lady is relaxed in the company of the man, shows the trust to it. It strengthens his sympathy and self-confidence.
Disclose the beauty
At last, appearance.
That it is pleasant to successful men, it is not obligatory to look as model. Not so important, your clothes and accessories are how expensive. The most important is to find the unique style and to follow it.
Here everything is important:
- Healthy appearance. Hair do not split and beautifully shine, skin clean and well-groomed. All teeth on the place and if it is necessary, are healed. The figure tightened, a bearing ideal.
- Your body, clothes and footwear always clean. From you the smell of freshness plus expensive perfume proceeds.
- The hairstyle, manicure, make-up have to be always. But you remember: to men natural beauty is more to liking. Therefore the "drawn" person, elaborate "claws" usually you should not do.
- Stylish clothes and accessories. The main thing - not the price of the thing put on you, but its quality, relevance for this case and compliance to your image. If you need the help by drawing up clothes, address professional stylists.
- It is expressed not so much in demonstration of a body how many in gestures, a mimicry, a look. Exposure of separate parts of the body - strong reception, but the moderation and relevance is important for each specific situation here.
Create yourself, derive pleasure from this process. Only this way you turn yourself into the woman bringing happiness. And usually it just what is not enough for the successful man.