"Where it? Why does not call, does not write, does not come? Why is not interested in me – really did not miss?" Perhaps, the most part of women when the gentleman is not heard from throughout a long time asks such question. Of course, men's psychology – a thing mysterious and very difficult for knowledge. But whether it is possible to force the man to grieve and make so that he felt strong desire immediately to call you? Both psychologists, and adherents of mystical currents claim – it is possible!
1. Try to have a clear view as much as possible of the person from whom you expect a call or a visit which you want to force to grieve. Imagine each hyphen and expression of his face. Feel communication which between you exists. Whether really you so need this person that you want to force him to grieve about yourself? Remember that the man will miss and grieve on you only if you are not indifferent for him. After you accurately presented the person, try to present also where he is at present, than is engaged.
2. Try to analyze a situation – perhaps, your gentleman and now very much grieves, but cannot come or call for any very important reasons. Life – difficult piece, and can happen anything.
3. Try to understand what feelings can force this person to begin to miss and will cause desire to call or come immediately. Try to give mentally to the beloved these feelings. Experts speak – at many it turns out.
4. And, at last, do not forget that there are quite traditional, but very contradictory ways. For example, to switch-off phone, not to come into social networks, to create illusion of total absence. But how you in this case learn that someone grieves about you? The man can call and write – but you will not see it.
5. Many had situations when there is a strong wish to force the person who is not indifferent, to miss and grieve. But think: if it is really expensive to you why not to leave pride aside, not to call most and not to tell, having heard a voice of darling on that end of a wire: "Hi! I missed …".