How to grow up the daughter

How to grow up the daughter

Education of children – the hard work requiring daily "investments" attention, love and care of parents. And if the girl grows in family, then adults for certain always want to see her healthy, happy and beautiful.


1. Since the very first months of life of the child try to follow all recommendations of the pediatrician, read more books about development of children, consider physiological features of an organism of the girl and take the correct care for it. Besides physical wellbeing do not forget also about mental development of your baby, pay attention to the developing occupations, games, allocate enough time for communication with the daughter.

2. You watch food of your baby. It is unlikely something can be thought up better than breastfeeding in the first months of life of the baby. Offer the grown-up daughter dried fruits, nuts and fruit, but not drying, cookies and chocolate. The porridges made from whole grains it is much more useful instant. Meat is better than some sausages, unsweetened cottage cheese is more useful than some glazed cheese curd. Watching quality, allow the daughter to control the volume of the eaten food independently. Often happens so that mother keeps to a diet, and stuffs the daughter with biscuits. Do not do it if you do not want at the child the metabolism to be broken.

3. Pay sufficient attention to physical activity of the child. Do not inhibit desire to move, get muscular joy at the girl. The pool and dances, of course, are useful, but not as an alternative to active lifestyle, and as addition to it. Allow the baby to run, jump, climb (better in the fresh air).

4. Any girl after three-year age tries to imitate mother. And if you suddenly overtook the fashionista crowding in your make-up bag, do not abuse her for it. Acquire a set of children's cosmetics and teach the daughter to use it accurately. You do not seek to suppress in the girl I am eager to be attractive. You do not stint compliments in its address if you want your daughter to grow up happy and harmonious.

5. Always you find time for communication how many years was your daughter. You remember, she needs maternal caress and attention more, than anything. Try to be sincere with the child. Answer the questions of the baby concerning a subject of appearance of children truthfully and well for understanding of the child. There are special articles describing how to lead a similar discussion, study them on the Internet.

6. Develop and encourage sociability and skill to communicate in the girl, without these skills it will be rather heavy to it to build in the future normal relationship with people in society.

7. You aspire to that the microclimate of your family in which the little daughter grows was rather favorable. In the atmosphere of constant scandals and reproaches between the adults surrounding it any child will not grow up the happy person. If you stand the husband only for the sake of visibility of family, your daughter will hardly tell then you "thanks", plus to everything the mass of various psychological complexes will be guaranteed to it.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
