It is considered to be that it is enough to woman to give flowers and to tell beautiful words. But sometimes to find a way to heart of some unapproachable beauties it appears extremely difficult. However there are several subjects which will not leave indifferent practically any lady.
1. Besides that "women love bastards", even more they love heroes. It is desirable modest which do not even represent that they are those. To be pleasant to the lady interesting you, it is enough to make of something characterizing you as extremely noble, clever and strong person, for example: to fix its computer, to help when moving accidentally, to remove a cat from a tree, to help on her eyes crossing the road the old woman. The main thing to make it with such look as though in it there is nothing special. And when she will begin to thank, tell with affected negligence: "Yes throw, do not mention it. Business that everyday".
2. Among other things, girls are beings compassionate. However you should not forget that they want to see near themselves sensitive, but strong men. For example, if at you something happened (troubles on work, in life), do not tell about it directly. Wait better when itself asks. At first it is better to represent that everything is good. Having a little thought, tell, but unwillingly, and finish the narration with a phrase: "Nonsense. So just you will not take us". A congenital myagkoserdechnost in combination with admiration will make the business.
3. Give compliments to all except the pleasant lady, and with her build the relations as with the friend at the beginning. Your task to flirt with other girls, but not to allow any hints on the relations. And then, when the situation will be heated properly, to begin to allocate that to which soul lies. But with it you have to be obedient, reserved and silent. Let her consider that she forced you to change, and at all your popularity other girls have no value.
4. On the first appointment never show an initiative concerning kisses, suffer. It has to understand that it is interesting to you, first of all, as the person. And still expectation very much excites imagination.
5. Do not allow it to pay for yourself under no circumstances. In her eyes you have to look self-sufficient and generous. If begins to insist, tell that it humiliates with it you as the man.
6. You are respectful to her hobbies, girlfriends, pets.
7. Never you speak about the ex-girlfriend neither bad, nor good. It is better to choose tactics "I do not remember, long ago it was".
8. Do not force the lady to be nervous. If you cannot meet, warn better in advance, but not for an hour good-bye (it speaks about disrespect). Do not disappear for several days without explanations.