In life there is anything. Any married couple is not insured from treason. Even the most faithful, loving husband can not resist suddenly gushed passion for the young seductress. And the wife who still yesterday the thought of treason would seem to the husband just blasphemous can suddenly be fond of the resort macho, lose the head. Speaking to dry legal language, anyway, "the fact of an adultery is available". And here before the unfaithful spouse there is a hard question: whether to admit to "half"?
1. First of all, think of the simplest question: why you want to admit treason? Answer it most honestly. A lot of things will depend on it.
2. You are tormented by a remorse, at heart a stone, and you want to remove it, having confessed? Clear and reasonable wish. But think: if, having removed a stone from own soul, you charge with it soul close, darling whether it will be worthy business? Even if the deceived spouse will show generosity and will forgive, all the same he will feel a heavy shock which will not pass completely. And your relations any more will never be same as before.
3. Or you are brought up in that spirit what it is always and everywhere necessary to tell only the truth? But there is such concept as a white lie. Besides, one wise man well told: "What people do not know, about that they also do not worry!" You do not need to lie at all, just keep silent, keep this secret. And from now on try to behave reasonably, without losing the head.
4. Well, and how to be in case the spouse learned about treason and to deny obvious senselessly? Here a lot of things depend on whether you want to keep family. If yes, assure that you do not understand how everything occurred that it was some insanity. The main thing - try to shift fault to "this shameless creep" or "this persuasive rascal". If the deceived spouse wants to keep family too, then he, even feeling quite clear rage and indignation, will instinctively grasp some circumstances extenuating your fault.
5. If your marriage already "went to all pieces", then, welcome, treason was a clear and logical consequence. Also it will be best of all to tell honestly and frankly about it. But try to behave adequately, without falling to sneers, especially – humiliating comparisons of intimate advantages of the lover and spouse. It is necessary to remain people in any situation.
6. Surely tell darling as you strongly love him and you do not want to lose. Ask forgiveness, invite to a romantic dinner. Remember what you were earlier and make changes to your life.