How to stop darling

How to stop darling

Lately you began to notice that your relations with darling went wrong. You how to be told, lose him. But he very much is dear to you. So it is necessary to make in order that him to stop?


1. If the young man leaves you, do not try to hold him in any ways. Perhaps, it absolutely and not your half. And you will spend the forces and time for its deduction near yourself. And by that miss the true happiness. Consider, each person has the right to choose.

2. If the young man hesitates between you and the new partner, then it is better not to expose him ultimatums and claims. It is necessary to distract him from a thought as soon as possible that he makes a right choice, leaving you to it.

3. Do not enter in any races and showdowns with his new hobby. Perhaps this girl only temporary hobby, and your dismantling considerably will underestimate your self-assessment.

4. Do not accuse of anything the beloved. These excess disputes and charges will only aggravate a situation and he can quicker make the decision to abandon you.

5. Do not look for support at your mutual friends at all. If you begin to complain them, they will surely tell it and all – then can be not counted on restoration of the relations.

6. You do not treat it as to the child. For this purpose it has mother who already cares for it. Do not pose as also little defenseless girl. Try in difficult life situations to stand for yourself. Independently resolve difficult questions.

7. You do not watch it and be not jealous. Do not check its pockets, do not dig in its phone. It is humiliating for both. Do not put the career development above the relations with darling. You watch that in the apartment there was an order, and you learn to prepare. That the way to heart of the man lies through a stomach, still nobody cancelled the old truth.

8. Let's it have a rest from communication with you. Do not forbid it to meet sometimes friends, to be engaged in the gym or to be fond of some hobby. Try to admire its sporting or other achievements.

9. Be interested, but it is not persuasive, its affairs at work, tell about the day of work. Sometimes ask for suggestions in the solution of some difficult vital question.

10. Perceive to his critic normally, without offenses. Try to listen to his fair remarks. But, at the same time, defend the beliefs if are sure of them. Carrying out at least partially these councils, you will be able to stop darling and to return everything on the former place.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
