Inclination or calculation? How to choose the guy

Inclination or calculation? How to choose the guy

The girl always wants to meet that only man intended to her by destiny that he was kind, clever, beautiful, loved children and, it is desirable, owned decent money.

Beautiful, passionate, loving and kind. All these qualities have to be in your future spouse, and how to choose to guy for the easy romantic relations in the present? What is necessary to you the gentleman? The beautiful macho or on the contrary the lovely young man understanding music and art? Or you still did not solve?


If you have in mind several men, and you do not know which of them to choose, think what attracted you in each of them. Perhaps, with one of them you communicate because of the gallant attitude towards women, with another because of gay character, and with the third even do not know why, just once when you saw for the first time each other, between you the spark suddenly slipped. He can be not a handsome, silent or the grumbler, but when you think of it at you takes the breath away. Do you dream of love and strong emotions? Then without thinking choose the last applicant, to him attracts you.

Trust in mind and common sense, they will not deceive

If you do not want to rely on feelings alone, and use also common sense, then it is better for you to look for the partner among the men similar to you. Usually, it is people with identical interests and the purposes, most often from communication of the same social standing. But at once it is worth noticing that such man can soon bore you as both of you are very similar. To avoid a similar unpleasant situation, outlooks on life and traits of character you have to have various some hobbies.


And, maybe, you have a male fellow? You take of each other the hint, he knows you such what you are actually, at him it is not necessary to represent from itself the femme fatale. And he can and there is that only? Now it seems to you that it something awful, but if he is free, you so perfectly get on with each other why and not to try to begin more intimate and close relations? Problems a sort from a detstvavsa of a problem originate in the childhood. Some psychologists claim that women subconsciously look for the partner similar to the father. So if in the childhood you did not have relations with the father, and with men there can be some problems. And as is well-known, each problem has the decision. Cannot you cope? Then address the expert, nothing has to stop you on the way to love and happiness!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
